Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 172-191 of 466
I den betraktades ögon. Ungdomar om bedömning i skolan
(2016-03-23)The present study examines how young students in the last year of comprehensive school make sense and use of the formal assessments they are given regarding their school performance. By interviewing 28 students in year ... -
I otakt med tiden? Folkhögskolorna i ett föränderligt fält
(2010-06-03)Folk high schools have often been out of synchronisation: both behind the times and as pioneers, and always eager to keep up with their unique identity. There have been variations over time and simultaneously. Folk high ... -
I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och utveckling. En policystudie av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i kommunen, förskolan och fritidshemmet.
(2015-11-20)The aim of this thesis is to explore how Systematic quality development work (Sqdw) is enacted in municipalities, preschools and leisure-time centres. In Sweden Sqdw comes within the statutory obligations of preschools ... -
”I svenska två vågar jag prata mer och så”. En didaktisk studie om skolämnet svenska som andraspråk
(2015-09-23)This thesis takes its point of departure in recent criticism directed at the Swedish school system, especially regarding the fact that students with a foreign background do not get the same opportunities or attain the same ... -
Idén om en skola för alla och specialpedagogisk organisering i praktiken
(2012-11-19)Based on the assumption that inclusive schools, sometimes put in terms of ‘schools for all’ – i.e. the quest to create and maintain everyone’s learning, participation and social development in school – is a somewhat ... -
Idrotten sätter agendan. En studie av Riksidrottsgymnasietränares handlande utifrån sitt dubbla uppdrag
(2014-11-14)This study aims to describe and analyse the actions of the school coaches at the National sport upper secondary schools in light of the conditions that govern and shape the activities at those schools. The theoretical ... -
Idrottsprofilerad utbildning - i spåren av en avreglerad skola
(2014-08-29)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Swedish school sports system, a system which has evolved since the beginning of the 1970s, the prevalence of which has increased significantly at all school ... -
Immigrant Groups and Cognitive Tests – Validity Issues in Relation to Vocational Training
(2013-04-02)Psychologists at the Employment Service use cognitive tests to assess suitable work or training areas. The tests are standardized on a Swedish population and possible differences in cognitive constructs, prognostic properties ... -
Individualising processes in adult education: The case of Swedish for immigrants (SFI)
(2024-03-14)Adapting education to individual students is a prominent demand in the context of Swedish for immigrants (SFI). Teachers, schools, and municipal authorities are expected to establish educational frameworks corresponding ... -
Influences on schoolchildren's dietary selection : focus on fat and fibre at breakfast
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2002)One important aim of the Swedish Action Programme for Nutrition is to increase the consumption of dietary fibre and decrease fat intake. The currently available extensive range of fat-reduced and fibre-enriched foods ... -
Innebörder av hållbar utveckling : en studie av lärares utsagor om undervisning
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2007)The focus of this thesis is the research of meanings of Sustainable Development as teachers express them in the accounts of their teaching. The main aim is to investigate, make visible and understand meanings of the ... -
Innehåll och innebörd i lärares arbete i förskola och skola
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)Studien som presenteras i denna rapport är finansierad av Riksbankens Jubile-umsfond. Studiens syfte är att ur ett samhällsinriktat och genusteoretiskt per-spektiv studera hur förskolans och skolans uppdrag kommer till ...