Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 294-313 of 464
Om lärarblivande: En livsvärldsfenomenologisk studie av bildningsgångar in i läraryrket
(2017-10-06)The purpose of this study is to understand and visualize the prospective teachers ' educational trajectories into the profession. The theoretical framework is life-world phenomenological and the method is narrative. The ... -
Om livets kontinuitet. Undervisning och lärande om växters och djurs livscykler - en fallstudie i årskurs 5
(2009-01-05)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased understanding of teaching and learning about life cycles, when the teaching is based on living organisms and the teacher is introduced to ideas of research on pupils’ ... -
Om ljuset i tillvaron : ett undervisningsexperiment inom optik
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001)The main purposes of this thesis were to study the students’ learning outcome and the teachers’ response to a proposed new way of teaching based on research in science education, in the field of optics. The theoretical ... -
Om teori och praktik i lärarutbildning. En etnografisk och diskursanalytisk studie.
(2009-03-31)This thesis takes its point of departure in the discussion about theory and practice relationships in the 2001 Teacher Education Reform Act. In this reform a clear point is made concerning the connections between teacher ... -
On the impact of extramural English and CLIL on productive vocabulary
(2016-02-03)In this thesis, the possible impact of English encountered and used in two different contexts – in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and through extramural English (EE) – on students’ writing proficiency is ... -
On the Validity of Reading Assessments: Relationships Between Teacher Judgements, External Tests and Pupil Self-Assessments
(2013-02-04)The purpose of this thesis is to examine validity issues in different forms of assessments; teacher judgements, external tests, and pupil self-assessment in Swedish primary schools. The data used were selected from a ... -
"Opening Higher Education:" Discursive transformations of distance and higher education government
(2010-10-25)This thesis takes as its starting point the 1990s and early 2000s political arguments for a more open and flexible Swedish higher education system. At this time, the issues of accessibility and participation were also ... -
Overuse injuries in Swedish elite athletics - Incidence, occurrence, athlete availability, and risk factors
(2021-02-05)The overall aim of this thesis was to explore three aspects of overuse injuries in elite Swedish athletics. The thesis is compiled of four papers, of which the first one is a study protocol. Paper II (n=58) aimed to gain ... -
Pedagogical quality in preschool : an issue of perspectives
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001)The main aims of this thesis on the pedagogical quality in preschool are: to define and describe a pedagogical concept of quality; to explore how quality is experienced and valued from different perspectives; to find out ... -
Pedagogik, plats och prestationer. En etnografisk studie om en skola i förorten
(2013-08-15)Denna avhandling bygger på en etnografisk studie i en förortsskola som har valt en särskild pedagogisk modell för att hantera och genomföra sitt uppdrag. Detta i en tid som präglas av stark fokusering på elevprestationer ... -
Pedagogisk takt i betygssamtal
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-12-18)This thesis aims to explore how grades are explained and understood in grade conferences between teachers and students in Swedish upper secondary school. The empirical material is based on 149 video-recorded conferences ... -
Pedagogisk utveckling genom kollegial granskning:Fallet Lärande Besök utifrån aktör-nätverksteori
(2015-09-04)The thesis is analyzing historical and present traces of a program for collegial reviewing of teaching instruction and school work. It is designed and deployed within three municipalities in Western Sweden called “Learning ...