Department of Sociology and Work Science / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap
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Avhopp från den kommunala vuxenutbildningen - En litteraturstudie över möjliga orsaker och åtgärder
(2024-11-12)Andelen avhopp från den kommunala vuxenutbildningen är hög. Enligt Skolverkets statistik låg andelen avhopp mellan 18.7 och 20.2 procent under kalenderåren 2004-2009 (Skolverket 2011). Syftet med den här studien är att ... -
Det meningsfulla arbetet – En kvalitativ studie om personaladministrativt utbildade unga vuxna och deras attityder till meningsfullhet i arbetet
(2024-11-08)Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker vad unga vuxna med akademisk bakgrund inom personaladministration finner meningsfullt i arbetet och hur deras attityder speglas mellan altruistiska och individualistiska värderingar. ... -
Den brottsförebyggande arbetsmarknaden - En komparativ fallstudie om brottsförebyggande arbete och arbetslivskriminalitet hos arbetsgivarorganisationen Byggföretagen och fackförbundet Byggnads
(2024-10-24)Aims and objectives: The main purpose of this study is to widen the knowledge on how the different parties in the Swedish labour market work to prevent crime and how they are working with the new collective term ... -
ATT NAVIGERA I DET KOMPLEXA - En kvalitativ studie av lärares emotionella hantering av misstankar om våldsutsatta barn
(2024-10-21)Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur lärare i Göteborg hanterar misstankar om våldsutsatta barn, vilket kan ge en ökad förståelse kring vilka resurser som är betydelsefulla för lärare i ... -
Dear White Adoptive Parents - A Study About Racialized Female Adoptees and Their Experiences Growing Up in a Transracial Family
(2024-10-15)The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the experiences of racialized female adoptees, in the United States. This qualitative study used individual semi structured interviews to examine four ... -
Kollektiva emotioner i den socialdemokratiska berättelsen - Att forma visioner i tider av framtidsrädsla
(2024-10-15)In the changing political landscape today with increased inequality, climate threat and a growing populism, in the face of which the established political parties stand before new and big challenges, this study aims to ... -
Reader in a Strange Land: The Transformation of Reading as a Social Practice in The Digital Age
(2024-10-14)Reading has always been a social practice. With reading communities linking back to storytelling practices in small communities, online reading communities hosted on social media platforms are simply a new way for these ... -
Defending Liberty: Constructing Climate Denialism through Collective Identity
(2024-10-08)In the global climate transition, social movements have emerged as new actors who actively oppose this development. The purpose of this study is to examine one such movement, Bränsleupproret, a Swedish reactionary movement ... -
DEN IDEALA IT-PERSONEN - Om kvinnor med utomeuropeisk bakgrunds upplevelser av att tillhöra arbetsgemenskapen inom IT-branschen
(2024-09-30)Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utforska och förstå hur kvinnor med utomeuropeisk bakgrund upplever inkludering och exkludering inom arbetsgemenskapen på sitt arbete inom IT-branschen. För att nå denna förståelse ... -
Broken Rituals - emotional work among bereaved individuals on missing rituals due to losing a close one during the Covid -19 pandemic in Sri Lanka
(2024-09-06)The COVID-19 pandemic has left a remarkable impact on individuals, societies and governments worldwide presenting many challenges. Among the most prominent are the experiences of death, grief, bereavement, and broken ... -
DISTRIBUERAT LEDARSKAP OCH ARBETSTILLFREDSSTÄLLELSE - En studie bland undersköterskor inom äldreomsorg
(2024-09-06)The aim of this quantitative study is to identify the extent to which various forms of distributed leadership are practiced in frontline care work within eldercare in Sweden, and to determine the significance of distributed ... -
Building Bridges in Digital Spaces - Enhancing the sense of belonging among remote employees in a multinational company
(2024-08-27)Purpose: This investigation aims to explore remote workers' experiences with remote working and identify the factors and actions that can foster or hinder their sense of belonging while working remotely. Theory: This ... -
Döda inte mamma - En kvalitativ dokumentstudie av hur tingsrätten framställer barn som brottsoffer i domar vid fall av barnfridsbrott
(2024-08-27)Syftet med studien var att, ur ett rättsociologiskt perspektiv, undersöka hur barn framställs som brottsoffer vid fall av barnfridsbrott i tingsrättsdomar. För att göra detta genomfördes en kvalitativ dokumentanalys av nio ... -
MNCS ADAPTATION TO SWEDISH LABOUR MARKET PRACTICES AND THE ‘SWEDISH MODEL’ - A Qualitative Study on non-Swedish MNCs and the Role of Employer Associations in Connection to Organisational Restructuring
(2024-08-26)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore non-Swedish multinational corporations (MNCs) operating on the Swedish labour market in connection to organisational restructuring, and to understand what role employer ... -
UPSCALING PEOPLE ANALYTICS - Using sensemaking and translation to understand HRBP’s experience in change initiatives when implementing and upscaling data-driven processes
(2024-08-26)Most current research on people analytics and data-driven approaches in Human Resources takes a macro perspective, and empirical insights are lacking, especially empirical insights from case studies. Therefore, this study ... -
COMPETENCY SUPPLY WITHIN A MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION - A Talent Management Perspective in Public Elderly Care
(2024-08-26)Purpose: There is a lack of knowledge concerning how the public sector engages with the phenomenon of Talent Management, and how the public context pressure this work. Thus, the aim of this thesis relates to these notions ... -
Enhancing Workforce Diversity and Inclusion for Asian and African Immigrants in Sweden: Challenges and Initiatives to bridge the employment gap.
(2024-08-26)Purpose: This research aims to explore the challenges and initiatives to enhance workforce diversity for Asian and African immigrants in Sweden. The study focuses on understanding the obstacles faced by immigrants from ... -
(2024-08-26)Purpose: This study aims to investigate the employee-focused stress management interventions currently implemented in Swedish universities, as identified by HR professionals. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the various ... -
Towards Effective Volunteer Management: Understanding the Dynamics of Volunteers Motivation in Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs)
(2024-08-26)Purpose The objective of this study is to examine the factors that drive people to volunteer and their expectations in terms of support from managers within Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs). Theory The study is based on ... -
(2024-08-26)Purpose: The study aims to find out how male and female office employees in a manufacturing company experience the role of gender in their work. In addition, the study aims to investigate how legislation supporting the ...