Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi by Title
Now showing items 180-199 of 206
A Tale of Chaos and Colour Influencing the photophysical properties and glass forming abilities of BODIPY dyes via structural modification
(2023-04-04)Organic dyes are everyday contributors in chemistry, physics and biology. BODIPY dyes were used as model dye class in this thesis. They are well-known for their versatility, which mainly originates from the tuneability ... -
Terahertz radiation as a pump and probe for studying low frequency vibrations in proteins
(2015-09-18)Many functionally important structural changes in proteins proceed along the direction of their lowest frequency vibrations. These vibrations correspond to picosecond collective dynamics. Establishing the fundamental ... -
The Extended Role of the Molecular Chaperone CCT
(2016-03-23)The oligomeric chaperone CCT is a large ATP-dependent chaperonin that consists of two rings placed back-to-back with eight different paralogous subunits with a size of ~ 55 kDa that sit in each of the two rings. The ... -
The Foxf2 gene in development and disease
(2015-10-29)The Foxf2 gene in development and disease Azadeh Reyahi Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Box 462, SE 405 30, Göteborg, Sweden Abstract In this thesis I present our recent data ... -
The Impact of Arsenic on Protein Homeostasis and Aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(2024-09-30)Arsenic and cadmium are two toxic heavy metals that occur naturally in bedrock. Arsenic is found in high concentrations in certain areas and can contaminate groundwater, leading to exposure through drinking water and crop ... -
The Marine Carbonate System: Ionic Interactions and Biogeochemical Processes
(2014-05-07)The absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) by seawater and subsequent equilibrium reactions within this ionic medium give rise to a complex chemical system often referred to as the marine carbonate system. This ... -
The Mechanisms of Exocytosis Studied in Cells and Models with Amperometry
(2013-05-15)Exocytosis is the universal basis for neuronal communication, allowing the controlled release of neurotransmitter molecules from the presynaptic cell. Exocytosis has been widely studied in many systems. However, the details ... -
The molecular chaperone CCT: Functions beyond folding
(2021-10-07)The chaperonin-containing tailless complex polypeptide 1 (CCT) is a eukaryotic ~1 MDa barrel shaped molecular chaperone, built up by eight distinct subunits and is required for the folding of the abundant cytoskeletal ... -
The Primary Structural Photo-Response of a Bacterial Phytochrome Probed by Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
(2020-04-14)Species across all kingdoms of life rely on the ability to sense different light conditions. Some organisms convert light into chemical energy via the reactions involved in photosynthesis, whereas others use it to trigger ... -
The solution conformations of macrocycles. Applications in the exploration of weak interactions and in drug development
(2017-09-26)Understanding the solution conformation and dynamics of molecules with biological relevance, as well as the impact of their conformation stabilizing weak interactions, is for example important for drug design. Macrocycles ... -
The Structural Modularity and Inherent Dynamics of the DegP Protease together with its Intertwined Role in the Bacterial Periplasm
(2021-12-09)The protein quality control machinery is a delicate and integrated network of molecular tools working together to fold or remove unwanted proteins from the cell. A distinct set of “gatekeepers” are involved in this process ... -
The Synthesis and Use of Certain Pyridine Derivatives as Modulators of the G-protein Coupled Receptors mGlu5 and P2Y12
(2012-11-20)The glutamatergic mGlu5 receptor and the purinergic P2Y12 receptor are two important targets in the development of novel treatments of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and thrombosis, respectively. Synthesis was ... -
Time Resolved Diffraction Studies of Structural Changes in Sensory Rhodopsin
(2019-11-29)Responding to different light conditions is an essential process for many organisms on earth. Unicellular organisms are no exception to this and mechanisms for controlling cellular movement must often be sensitive ... -
Time-Resolved X-ray Crystallography and Quantum Chemical Calculations of the Proton Pumping Mechanism in Cytochrome c Oxidase
(2024-12-13)Aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are arguably the two most essential processes for life on earth as known to us. These two processes occur on an immense scale every day and the electron transport chain of aerobic ... -
Time-resolved X-ray diffraction and solution scattering studies of Sensory Rhodopsin II in isolation and in complex with its transducer
(2022-05-30)Light is an important source of energy for many living organisms. Many life forms have therefore evolved cellular receptors that are able to sense light and thereby optimise conditions for photosynthesis and pho- totrophy. ... -
Toward the synthesis and characterization of bioactive peptides: Engineering of transmembrane peptide conjugates for targeted drug delivery
(2024-10-09)Under det senaste decenniet har intresset för terapeutiska peptider inom läkemedelsindustrin växt stort. Idag finns det upp åt 60 olika peptider som är godkända och används globalt på kliniker. Detta tack vare nya produktions-, ... -
Towards 3D Covalent Organic Framework Films
(2022-05-03)Porous materials are of great scientific interest because they are able to interact with guests, such as ions, atoms and molecules throughout their entire volume. One big subgroup of organic porous materials are covalent ... -
Towards Anti-Virulence Antimicrobials, Discovery and Development of Sortase A Inhibitors and Investigations of Bacterial Phenotypes
(2016-09-07)Antibiotic resistance is an emerging and serious threat to public health. Immediate actions are required to preserve current antibiotics while intensifying research efforts towards the development of new effective therapeutics. ... -
Toxic Metals and Proteostasis – Molecular mechanisms of arsenite and cadmium-induced protein aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(2024-04-16)Cadmium and arsenite are common environmental pollutants; considered highly toxic and pose a substantial threat to human health with millions of people worldwide being at risk of exposure. Cadmium and arsenite are carcinogenic ... -
Tracking microbial growth and evolution at high-throughput