Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 99-118 of 463
Education for Sustainable Food Consumption in Home and Consumer Studies
(2018-02-08)Education as a means to enable sustainable food consumption has gained increasing recognition as a vital means to decrease current burdens upon both natural resources and human health. In response, the Swedish compulsory ... -
Elitidrott, karriär och avslutning
(1997) -
En fråga om frågor : hur lärares frågor i klassrummet gör det möjligt att få reda på elevernas sätt att förstå det som undervisningen behandlar i matematik och naturvetenskap
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001)This thesis reports results from a study that focuses on how teachers can learn about their students’ learning in mathematics and science. Current perspectives on learning are positioned in terms of the acquisition and ... -
En longitudinell studie av 10-12-åringars förståelse av materiens förändringar
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001)The main aim of this study was to study young people’s ability to use science knowledge when talking about and explaining everyday phenomena involving transformations of matter. Pupils’ individual knowledge was studied ... -
Engagerade i världens bästa? Lärande för hållbarhet i förskolan
(2013-05-10)In this thesis the aim is to acquire knowledge about and to scrutinise the ambiguity, complexity and contradictions within education for sustainability in the Swedish preschool, as well as analysing children’s agency and ... -
Epistemic beliefs and conceptions of competence in education for sustainable development
(2022-01-07)Education for sustainable development (ESD) raises critical questions regarding what knowledge should be taught and what the learning outcomes should be. The aim of this thesis is to explore epistemological, ethical and ... -
Estetiska erfarenheter i naturmöten. En fenomenologisk studie av upplevelser av skog, växtlighet och undervisning
(2020-01-08)In a period of accelerated environmental change, a focus on how humans build embodied relationships with the more-than-human world is a critical arena for pedagogical work. The aim of this thesis is to elucidate people’s ... -
En etnografisk studie i en thailändsk grundskola på en ö i södra Thailand. I sökandet efter en framtid då nuet har nog av sitt.
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2010) -
Everyday Language Practices and the Interplay of Ideologies, Investment and Identities - Out-of-School Language Use and Dispositions among Young Adolescents in Multilingual Urban Settings in Sweden
(2022-11-11)This thesis explores the out-of-school language use of young adolescents in contemporary multilingual urban neighborhoods, located in the three largest cities in Sweden. More specifically, the thesis explores the potential ... -
Evidens och existens. Evidensbaserad undervisning i ljuset av lärares erfarenheter.
(2013-05-29)During the last decade there has been a strong focus on making teaching into an evidence-based profession. The idea of evidence-based practice itself has been widely debated over the years and has been criticized, primarily ... -
Evolutionsteorin i klassrummet : på väg mot en ämnesdidaktisk teori för undervisning i biologisk evolution
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2004)The overall purpose of this thesis is to study how upper secondary school students (grade 10-12) develop an understanding of evolutionary biology as a result of teaching. Taking students’ preconceptions as the starting ...