Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 240-259 of 262
Vad berättar scenografi? Att analysera produktionsdesign genom en närstudie av Fucking Åmål
(2016-04-06)This essay aims to examine a key element of cinema which is frequently unexamined in academic studies of film, or else included in the much wider term of mise-en-scène: production design, or set design. The main focus is ... -
Vad händer i gränslandet? Människor, föremål och identitet i TV-programmet Gränsbevakarna Australien
(2013-03-27)The purpose of this paper is to study how the TV program Border Security: Australia’s Front Line (Gränsbevakarna Australien) can be seen to reproduce networks of human and non-human actors. The aim is thus to investigate ... -
Vad kostar en dröm? Den fria kulturens plats i den entreprenörsurbanistiska strategin. Truckstop Alaska, Karlavagnsplatsen
(2020-11-12)The purpose of this thesis is to examine how urban development affects the free culture and cultural institutions in Gothenburg. Through our qualitative study, we choose a discourse analytic method where we analyse how ... -
VALFEMINISMENS TID ÄR NU En studie om feminismwashing i ett nyliberalt samhälle kopplat till boken Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto
(2018-01-31)This essay examines the book Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto, written by Jessa Crispin. My aim is to analyze Crispin’s statement that there is a feminism which focus on personal gain and self-empowerment ... -
Vampyren i populärromanen - En kulturanalytisk studie av två vampyrromaner utifrån teorier kring död och sexualitet i vår samtid
(2015-01-02)The purpose of this paper is to examine how contemporary attitudes towards death and sexuality is made visible and connected in the vampire novels Interview with the Vampire and Dead Until Dark. The aim is to investigate ... -
VANDRING I SKRÄCKENS TECKEN - En semiotisk analys av Jack the Ripper-vandringar
(2016-02-19)The aim of this essay is to examine the communication of two different websites which belongs to two different companies that offers Jack the Ripper walking tours. These tours are a kind of horror walk that takes place in ... -
”Varför ska jag gå runt och vänta?” En normkritisk intervjustudie med frivilligt ensamstående mammor
(2019-05-16)The purpose of this study is to examine how single mothers by choice motivate their family form and experience norms surrounding family and motherhood. In interviews with six women who became mothers through assisted ... -
Välkommen till om du är rökfri, djurfri och inte har betalningsanmärkningar. En studie av representationer på den privata hyresmarknaden
(2017-06-07)This study focuses on the ads where individuals rent apartments on The aim is to examine the representations from an intersectional perspective. The study using critical discourse analysis as a method ... -
Vem äger dansen? En intervjustudie om attityder kring kulturell appropriering och intersektionell feminism inom Tribal fusion och ATS
(2015-09-22)Through interviews with three amateur Tribal Fusion and ATS belly dancers, this thesis explores attitudes concerning ownership of the dance, the importance of its cultural background and its feminist potential. ... -
VEM ÄR JAG ENLIGT STJÄRNORNA? En kulturvetenskaplig studie om astrologins roll i identitet och divination
(2024-05-08)The aim of this study is to examine how zodiac signs are depicted through social interactions from an identity perspective and if zodiac signs can be seen as a form of divination. Our method was based on the answers of ... -
Vem får lov? En etnologisk undersökning av queerdans
(2013-02-18)Vem får lov? undersöker queerdans som nutida fenomen inom pardansen i Sverige och med utgångspunkt i Judith Butlers queerteori diskuteras queerdans som aktiv-ism, gruppgemenskap och utveckling av danstraditioner. Utifrån ... -
Vems Gullbergs Kaj paradis? En studie av relationen mellan brukare och en postindustriell plats under produktion
(2017-06-07)The purpose of the essay is to examine the relationship between the physical location Gullbergskajen and its social context, and to see how they both affect the image of the area. The location is facing a comprehensive ... -
VI ÄR HÄR, TROTS ALLT! En diskursanalys av kvinnliga jazzsångerskors upplevelser av position i rum där jazz görs
(2021-05-17)In this thesis, discourse analyses are carried out on thirteen interviews with Swedish female jazz singers. The main purpose is to explore how the female jazz singer experience her position in relation to gender and her ... -
Vi är sexuella varelser! - Hur bestämmer talet om sexualitet den sexuella orienteringen? En intervjustudie om talet om sexualitet.
(2011-02-25)Abstract Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i sex- och samlevnad på grundskolans senare del, och en utbildningskonsult från preventions- och utvecklingsenheten i Göteborg, undersöks hur sexuell ... -
Vi gjorde det bästa av situationen – En kvalitativ undersökning om studentdagens ritualiserade kultur under pandemin
(2022-05-05)This essay examines the Swedish high school graduation day-tradition, known as “studenten”, and how its ritualized culture has been affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic. By using a qualitative methos we have identified ... -
Vi vill lira nu!!! Musiken som estetiskt mål och kreativt medel i högstadiets musikundervisning
(2012-04-11)Den här uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka huruvida högstadiets musikundervisning i första hand siktar mot utveckling genom musik –det vill säga elevernas egna skapande och upplevelse av musik, dess historiska ... -
Vikt, utseende och livsstil - Budskap i ViktVäktarnas medlemsmaterial
(2015-02-03)In my study of WeightWatchers I have focused on WeightWatchers Sweden and their membership material in aspects of lifestyle, individual acts and planning during two periods, 1980-1990 and 2000-2011. I have also analyzed ... -
“VIOLENT DELIGHTS HAVE VIOLENT ENDS” An Overview of Male User Violence and Aggression Against AI Girlfriends in Replika
(2024-05-31)In media we have recently observed a rise of interest in AI girlfriends on the application Replika, but little evidence exists around romantic human-chatbot relationships (HCRs) in relation to consent and ethical considerations, ... -
VISSERLIGEN SÅ KAN MAN INTE OPERERA EN SÅGVERKSMASKIN, MEN MAN KAN JU LIKSOM GÖRA NÅGOT FÖR DEMOKRATIN. En diskursanalytisk studie om folkhögskolans roll i det nyliberala samhället
(2024-05-08)In this bachelor's thesis, we investigate the Swedish folk high school´s role in neoliberal society, which is analyzed through the lens of Norman Fairclough's critical discourse theory as well as Erving Goffman's theory ... -
Wetterlin - En plats som alla andra, men ändå inte. En undersökning om den inre och yttre bilden av ett bostadsområde
(2021-03-05)How we perceive ourselves in relation to where we live is a matter of how the place we live in is perceived by society and other people. Ristilammi (1994) points out that neighbourhoods considered bad reflect badly on ...