Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 59-78 of 262
En egen väg - Den kvinnliga emancipationsprocessen under 1880-talet synliggjord i tre konstverk
(2015-12-09)This essay examines the emancipation of the 1880´s women in Scandinavia art. The three paintings in focus all have in common that they are portraits of Swedish female painters who lived in Paris at some point in the 1880´s. ... -
En ambivalent identifikation. En kritisk analys om porträtteringen av kärlek i You och Gossip Girl.
(2022-03-16)This essay contains an analysis of You (2018–) and Gossip Girl (2007–2012) focusing on contrast and comparing the narrative and the two male protagonists, Joe Goldberg (You) and Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl), whom are played ... -
En studie om mat, utan fokus på mat: Betydelsen av plats, dukning och sällskap i vardagliga middagspraktiker
(2023-05-12)This thesis aims to examine everyday meals, more specifically to study the context of meaningful dinner practices, the interpretation of these as rituals, the role of material objects, social norms and social company. ... -
En utmanad bildtradition - En formalestetisk undersökning och analys av Ellen Trotzigs Självporträtt från 1906
(2023-06-07)This thesis examines the self-portrait made the year 1906 by the Swedish artist Ellen Trotzig. Bought by the Gothenburg Museum of Art in 1908, it remains one out of five contemporary oil paintings made by female artists ... -
Exkludering för ordningens skull - Emotionernas gränsland i Kviberg
(2018-04-12)Mary Dougla's classical work Purity and danger: an analysis of concept of pollution and taboo from 1966 has shown us that our understanding of the world has to do with the ordering of matter into places. But what happens ... -
F ÅR KULTUREN PLATS I G ÖTEBORG ? En studie om kulturverksamheters förutsättningar och betydelse för Göteborg
(2023-05-05)The aim of this candidate thesis is to examine the adversities experienced by employees in the cultural and creative sectors in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. A second aim of the thesis is furthermore to discuss to what ... -
FEAR [Feminism, Emasculation, Anger & Rage]: En queerteoretisk filmanalys av American Horror Story: Cult
(2022-03-29)During the Trump-era we have seen an increase in political polarization. The alt-right movement has grown due to the normalization of extreme right-wing rhetoric and conspiracy theories. In relation to this the impact of ... -
Ett feminint perspektiv: Kvinnliga konstnärers gestaltande av nakna kvinnokroppar
(2017-06-07)In this thesis semiotic analyses are carried out on twelve artworks depicting female nudes by different female artists. The purpose is to examine how the bodies are portrayed and how they can be understood, based on gaze ... -
Feministisk ilska. En undersökning om ilska och feministiskt medvetande med vänskap som metod.
(2016-04-05)Med autoetnografi som metod och vänskap som metod undersöker författaren hur feminism och ilska förhöll sig till varandra under tonårstiden då feministiska teorier kom till medvetandet i början av 2000-talet. Med utgångspunkt ... -
FEMTIO NYANSER AV KÖNSIDENTIET - En undersökning av makt och könsidentitet i filmen ”Fifty Shades of Grey”
(2016-02-19)In this thesis we examine gender identity and power asymmetry in negotiation in the film Fifty Shades of Grey. For the purpose of this study we ask these following questions: · Which power asymmetries and gender identities ... -
”Film är ju ett sätt att kommunicera med människor.” En studie av Naomi Kawases porträttering av att vara kvinna i relation till en gemenskap.
(2024-04-16)By analysing Still the water (2014), Radiance (2017) and True Mothers (2020) by Naomi Kawase this essay will look at her work to see how she portrays the experience of being a woman in relation to her community. Looking ... -
Det finns så mycket gammalt mög - en intervjustudie av sopraners arbetsverklighet i operakören
(2021-03-31)This thesis aims to examine performative aspects within Fach/voice types using interviews with three sopranos as source material. My goal is to understand how these aspects affect the work in an opera chorus. I have focused ... -
Flamenco och muntlig tradering
(2017-02-09)Modern flamenco music was born as an oral tradition. As it moved into the 20th century recorded audio and audiovisual representation became important carriers of the musical information and changed the way flamenco could ... -
FLYKTEN FRÅN VARDAGEN. Om fantasy, eskapism och verklighet
(2024-02-07)This paper investigates the relations between the fantasy genre and the phenomena of escapism. It also delves into the factors which motivates consumption of various fantasy mediums. This is done through interviews with ... -
Folk och minnen i Glaskogen - En analys av överlevnadsfaktorer hos sägner, folklore och folkminnen
(2024-02-09)This work is meant to show how memory can work within a smaller society when it comes to folklore and local history. What is remembered, how it is remembered and why it is remembered. Sprung from the older collections ... -
Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. En diskursanalytisk studie om synen på barn, barndom och ålder i Statens medieråds åldersgränssättning av film
(2017-06-07)This thesis examines how the ideas and discourses about children, childhood and age are constructed and reproduced in Statens medieråds narratives and descriptions about age- restriction for movies. It also examines how ... -
FÖRVÅNANDE KAPABEL - kroppslighet och rumslighet i fem kvinnors erfarenheter av parkour
(2013-04-24)The urban physical practice of parkour can be described as male dominated. In this paper, however, I choose to focus on women participating in the sport. My material consist of interviews with five Swedish women who ... -
Från diamant till kristall En undersökning av annonsens roll i Swarovskis omprofilering
(2023-05-31)In recent years many brands have changed their looks and entire brand identities to keep up with the ever changing trends and demands. This paper will focus on the Austrian brand Swarovski mostly known for their crystal ... -
Från flickor till fittor - en jämförande analys av två feministiska pjäser
(2013-09-12)This essay analyzes the scripts of the swedish plays Jösses flickor! Befrielsen är nära (Jeez girls! Liberation is at hand) from 1974 and Jösses flickor – återkomsten (Jeez girls – the return) from 2006. The analysis is ...