Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 179-198 of 262
På vandring genom historien - en undersökning av hur förr och natur är kultur
(2014-02-04)Nature and culture are often described as opposites, but at the same time nature is often de-scribed as culture and past. This essay examines how nature and the past are culture. I study how 51 people make shifting ... -
En påstådd sexualitet - En diskursanalytisk undersökning av svenska migrationsmyndigheters syn på sexualitet i relation till hbtq-personers asylärenden
(2015-02-24)The purpose of the essay is to examine the views on sexuality that guide the Swedish Migration board and court’s judgments and decisions in asylum cases. The essay investigates seven cases from the Swedish Migration court ... -
Per Hasselberg och Flickan som erotiskt objekt. En problematiserande analys av den nakna kroppen reproducerad i Per Hasselbergs skulpturer
(2016-04-05)I denna uppsats tittar jag närmare på Per Hasselbergs tre lovordade skulpturer, Näckrosen, Snöklockan och Grodan. Jag vill se vilken typ av naken kvinnokropp och kvinna som Per Hasselberg reproducerar i sina verk, och på ... -
Pianisten Hans Roland Orgenius: Först uppåtgående jazzstjärna sedan utkastad från jazzens finrum
(2014-02-04)Den unge blinde Hans Roland Orgenius hade fått en gedigen musikutbildning på Blindinstitutet Tomteboda när han vid 15 års ålder beslöt att prova på en karriär som jazzpianist. Efter skolan sökte han arbete på Sveriges ... -
En plats för alla? Om kulturinstitutioners roll i stadsutvecklingsprocesser i Kortedala och Gamlestaden, med biblioteken i centrum
(2019-05-15)This study explores gentrification as a concept from an intersectional and cultural perspective. Cultural institutions are at the center of this study. Kortedala library and Världslitteraturhuset (The world literature ... -
Post-transsexualismens juridiska (o)möjligheter
(2015-03-04)Sverige är det första landet som gav människor med transsexualism möjligheten att ändra juridisk könstillhörighet. Den första lagen om “Fastställande av könstillhörighet i vissa fall” infördes 1972 och krävde att personen ... -
Posthuset blir hotell En studie av Centralposthuset i Göteborg och dess omvandling
(2013-02-27)This essay in Art History treats the former Central Post Office in Gothenburg, Sweden, and its recent transformation into a luxury hotel. The magnificent original building in neo-classical style, inaugurated in 1925, has ... -
Posthuset blir hotell En studie av Centralposthuset i Göteborg och dess omvandling
(2012-09-28)This essay in Art History treats the former Central Post Office in Gothenburg, Sweden, and its recent transformation into a luxury hotel. The magnificent original building in neo-classical style, inaugurated in 1925, has ... -
PUBLIKUTVECKLING - En kvalitativ analys av ett begrepp i tiden
(2022-02-14)This study deals with the concept of Audience Development from both a linguistic and a practical perspective. Due to the complex nature of the concept and the possibilities of interpretation, we have studied how the ... -
Pussy Riot - Hur teori och praktik kan förenas genom feministisk aktivism
(2013-02-27)The purpose of this essay is to examine how theory and practice intertwines through the activism of the feminist punk performance collective Pussy Riot. I have also focussed on the political tools with which the activism ... -
Queera kroppar i höga klackar - En analys av High Heel Sisters performanceverk The Last Straw
(2013-03-28)This study will analyze and interpret the performance art piece The Last Straw created by the artist group High Heel Sisters. The aim is to search for potential feminist strategies in their deconstructive ways of incarnating ... -
RAFFLES CITY - Lokala och globala dimensioner av ett urbant komplex i Chengdu
(2013-09-13)In a time where many Asian metropolises experience an expansive development new urban conditions are created and the already existing disappears or being replaced. Asian cities develop at a pace that is unprecedented in ... -
“The redhead dilemma” - en studie om rödhårigas stigmatisering i dagens samhälle
(2023-03-20)This essay takes its interest about redheaded people and wants to understand how it is to live in our society today as a redhead. With norms and stereotypes about redheads that goes back into history this essay tries to ... -
Reformulating Sexuality and the renunciation of Gender
(2017-05-05)My main focus in this essay is to pinpoint current discourses within a section of the queer community regarding the use of language and terminology when describing gender, identity, sexuality and desire. In particular I ... -
Reglerad reproduktion - En studie över abortdiskursen i Kina och abortmotståndet i USA
(2013-09-12)This thesis is on the subject of different views on abortion. With a qualitative analysis of the family planning policy in China and interviews with four persons living in China I try to answer what abortion can mean in ... -
Den rivna simhallen - en etnologisk studie av bevarande, materialitet och kulturarv
(2012-02-06)In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, and especially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narrowed down to take place in Finspång, ... -
SAMEBLOD (2017) - En visuell analys
(2018-04-23)This thesis will examine how the oppression of the ethnic minority group saami visualizes in the movie Sami Blood (2017) and how the pictures in it transmit meaning. By using the method semiotic picture analyzis together ... -
”Sanningen” om den skrivande kvinnan. Makt och sanningsetablerande i den svenska 1930-talspressen
(2019-05-06)This essay intends to study how the established truths in society about female writers in the swedish 1930’s were created by the members of the press, and how the different truths interacted contextually. The portraying ... -
Scapigliatura - En analys av Puccinis opera Le Villi i ljuset av en poetisk-musikalisk rörelse i 1800-talets Italien
(2013-02-25)La scapigliatura började som en litterär strömning under andra hälften av 1800-talet i Italien. Arrigo Boito (1842-1918) skapade en plattform för en operareform där han överförde den litterära estetiken inom scapigliatura ... -
Scenen är din? En intervjustudie om åtta göteborgsmusikers relation till scenen över tid.
(2022-03-14)The stage is yours? Interviews about eight Gothenburg based musicians’ relationships to the stage over time. The purpose of the study was to explore factors behind the gender segregation visible in the world of popular ...