Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 195-214 of 262
SAMEBLOD (2017) - En visuell analys
(2018-04-23)This thesis will examine how the oppression of the ethnic minority group saami visualizes in the movie Sami Blood (2017) and how the pictures in it transmit meaning. By using the method semiotic picture analyzis together ... -
”Sanningen” om den skrivande kvinnan. Makt och sanningsetablerande i den svenska 1930-talspressen
(2019-05-06)This essay intends to study how the established truths in society about female writers in the swedish 1930’s were created by the members of the press, and how the different truths interacted contextually. The portraying ... -
Scapigliatura - En analys av Puccinis opera Le Villi i ljuset av en poetisk-musikalisk rörelse i 1800-talets Italien
(2013-02-25)La scapigliatura började som en litterär strömning under andra hälften av 1800-talet i Italien. Arrigo Boito (1842-1918) skapade en plattform för en operareform där han överförde den litterära estetiken inom scapigliatura ... -
Scenen är din? En intervjustudie om åtta göteborgsmusikers relation till scenen över tid.
(2022-03-14)The stage is yours? Interviews about eight Gothenburg based musicians’ relationships to the stage over time. The purpose of the study was to explore factors behind the gender segregation visible in the world of popular ... -
Schiele & Klimt - konstnärer av sin tid?
(2013-09-13) -
SD-Kvinnor & jämställdhetsparadoxen – en kvalitativ analys av ’Kvinnan’ i nationens tjänst
(2019-06-03)This thesis examines how the women’s association of the Swedish Democrats, SD-Kvinnor define the concept of the ‘Woman’ and use womanhood as a basis for their nationalistic political agenda. The thesis also examines if ... -
Sexköp och fiskmetaforer - En diskursanalys av prostitutionsdebatten 1993-2011
(2013-09-13)"A discourse analysis of the debate on prostitution 1993-2011" The aim of this essay is to investigate how prostitution is constructed in the debate. The analysis is based off debate articles from four of the biggest Swedish ... -
Sexuell ORIENTERING: ett vägvalskriterum? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om heteronormativiteten inom idrotten orientering
(2022-04-25)The purpose of this essay is to investigate how orienteering runners who openly live homo- or bisexual experience and challenge heteronormativity in orienteering context and what could be done to counteract heteronormativity. ... -
Sexuella gråzoner inom heterosexuella praktiker: En studie av kvinnors upplevelser av gränslandet mellan sexuellt samtycke och icke-samtycke
(2022-03-16)The aim of this thesis is to examine how sexual consent is constructed, understood and practised within heterosexual structures. Through interviews with six women and three professionals within the organisation RFSU, this ... -
Den skenbara stillheten. En analys av fotografiets roll i Godland
(2025-02-04)This essay investigates the role of photography in the film Godland (Volaða Land, Hlynur Palmason, 2022) through the notion of stillness, movement and colonial gaze. A claim is made that throughout the film, stillness is ... -
Skogens alla värden - En diskursanalytisk studie av Naturskyddsföreningens natursyn och miljöetik
(2015-09-22)This Bachelor thesis examines a Swedish environmental organization, Naturskyddsföreningen, and its view on nature. Particularly the organizations view on the forest is in focus. This is done through discourse analysis of ... -
Skolan och civilsamhället. Ökad likvärdighet på (o)lika villkor?
(2022-01-19)This thesis examines school-community partnerships in Gothenburg's primary schools. The overall aim is to analyse how schools in socially disadvantaged areas work with partnerships as the consequence of students´ low school ... -
Skratt som vapen - En kvalitativ undersökning om skratt och feministisk scenkonst
(2022-03-16)Den här uppsatsen undersöker feministiska teatermetoder och skratt. Det är en kvalitativ undersökning vars material består av intervjuer av två feministiska teatergrupper samt analyser av två inspelade föreställningar. ... -
Smink som ställningstagande. En uppsats om etisk konsumtion med exemplet The Body Shop
(2019-05-20)This essay set out to investigate how consuming cosmetics can become a statement of ethics, by using The Body Shop brand as an example. Being keen users and make-up artists ourselves we asked: How do our informants use and ... -
SMITTANDE PASSION - En uppsats om musiker under covid-19
(2022-01-19)On 10th of March 2020, due to covid-19, the Swedish Public Health Agency raised the risk level to “very high”. Meeting restrictions were set to a maximum of 500 people. Before the month was ended public gatherings with ... -
“Det smutsigaste som finns” En jämförande studie om synen på sexualitet och prostitution
(2021-02-10)This essay examines the perceptions of sexuality and prostitution, during the regulation of prostitution at the end of the 19th century and today, comparing these two different historical times and their different views ... -
Snus och dosor - Förpackningsdesign, märke och identitet
(2013-09-13)The purpose of this essay was to examine the packaging design´s communications related to the colloquially brand's symbolic capital and how they became meaningful through experience and perceptions that led to the ... -
SOLIDARITETENS KÖK En etnografisk studie av frikyrkors integrationsinriktade mötesplatser
(2018-09-18)The aim of this thesis is to examine the democratic function of free churches’ integrationoriented meeting places within a society of pluralism. The material used in this study has been ... -
SPELA SHORELINE - en diskursteoretisk undersökning av minnesmonumentet över Broder Daniel
(2023-01-05)This essay aims to investigate the conditions of public art in a contemporary discourseanalysis based on medial sources and social networks, concerning the anonymous citizeninitiative “The Shorelinestone”, also known as ...