Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 70-89 of 96
Perspektiv på propaganda Propagandabegreppet i Sverige mellan 1920 och 1951
(2023-06-29)This thesis examines the term propaganda and it´s use and meaning in the public discourse in Swedish press between the years 1920 and 1951. The thesis asks the overarching question of how and why the definition of the term ... -
Politikk, frihet og kjærlighet i Goldmans anarkistfeminisme
(2017-02-13)When politics is understood as what happens between people, love is an expression of politics. Love is crucial for freedom: It effects what freedom is, and who can and should be free. Therefore love can both inhibit and ... -
Porösa bländverk. En materiellt ekokritisk studie av Hanna Nordenhöks prosa
(2015-06-23)In the Swedish author, poet and critic Hanna Nordenhöks (1977-) novels Promenaderna i Dalbyhage (2011) and Det vita huset i Simpang (2013) the literary characters are often portrayed as diffuse shapes with a subtile ... -
Den primitiva kelten Den rasistiska bilden av den irländska kelten inom den viktorianska antropologin under 1850- och 1860-talen
(2020-01-29)This thesis explores the racist assumptions pertaining to the Irish Celts during the Victorian era as it is expressed within the anthropological thought of the age. These assumptions are explored in The Races of Men ... -
Religion och andlighet i livets slutskede. En etnografisk studie av den instituionella döden
(2019-09-03)The overall aim of this study was to gain knowledge about the institutionalized death in contemporary Sweden and the experiences of death expressed both by care recipients and health professionals. The theoretical framework ... -
”Religion” som diskursiv strategi. Diskurser kring kategorin religion i fyra offentliga debatter i Sverige
(2015-02-13)The thesis explores how the category religion is used discursively in Swedish public debates and in what way the discourses can be related to debate-positions. The thesis also explores questions of power and how social ... -
Rött, vitt, svart - Vedisk kosmologi och klassificering i Chāndogya-Upaniṣad 3:1-11 och 6
(2014-06-27)Chapter 6 of the Chāndogya Upaniṣad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background ... -
Sacred Polarities? Exploring the Use of Gendered Language in Three Generations of Contemporary Paganism - From 1954 to 2017
(2018-01-31)This thesis is a preparatory study for future research, and explores the use of gendered language within pagan witchcraft movements between the years 1954-2017, with the purpose of establishing if, and how, the understanding ... -
Samtida mottagande och sentida litteraturhistorieskrivning - Amalia Fahlstedt, en 1880-talsförfattarinna
(2021-09-07)Amalia Fahlstedt (1853 – 1923) was a Swedish author of the 1880s. Her debut I flygten: berättelser (1882) contains a couple of short stories and a realistic approach, a common feature of the time. Her main theme was gender ... -
Det särskildas platser - om etisk-politisk lokalitet och bioregionala visioner i Gary Snyders tänkande
(2018-07-06)In Gary Snyder’s philosophical essays, questions of place, region, and being inhabitory are closely linked to ethical, political and ecological themes. Where these themes intersect, tensions generate – to the extent of ... -
Science Beyond Enchantment. Revisiting the Paradigm of Re-enchantment as an Explanatory Framework for New Age Science
(2017-06-12)A common understanding of scientists within the New Age movement is that they are manifesting a form of re-enchantment and that their ideas should be addressed as natural theologies. This understanding often takes as its ... -
Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer (1912) till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus kommer (2012)
(2016-10-20)Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer 1912 till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus ... -
”Spiced with skåls” Bilden av det skandinaviska i Mary Howitts översättning av Fredrika Bremers Strid och frid
(2019-09-17)This essay examines the 1844 English translation of Fredrika Bremer’s novel Strife and Peace (first published in Swedish in 1840) made by Mary Howitt. This translation is partly compared to a German translation from 1841 ... -
Svart sida - Svart ruta. Självreflexiv fiktion i adaption mellan medier
(2017-09-19)This thesis examines the process of adapting literary works acknowledged as being highly self-reflexive; works often described as metafictions. Adaptation is in this context understood as both the process of transposing ... -
Teologi som kontrapunkt. En studie i Sarah Coakleys metod théologie totale
(2014-06-27)The theologian Sarah Coakley has developed a theological method, which she calls théologie totale. This essay examines the methodological criteria for this method. To understand how its anthropology, epistemology and ... -
Texts and Paratexts in a Colonial Context. Krupabai Satthianadhan's English Novels 'Saguna' and 'Kamala'
(2020-01-15)The anglophone Indian author Krupabai Satthianadhan (1862-1894) was a second-generation Christian convert and a member of the Christian Tamil family in colonial Madras. Knowledge of English was still a high-caste male ... -
The Discipline of the Seas: Piracy and Polity in England, 1688-1698
(2020-10-29)This thesis is a study of the changing legal and political climate surrounding piracy in England in the years 1688-1698, between the Glorious Revolution and the passing in parliament of the Piracy Act 1698. During this ... -
The Human and the Creation in Relation to the Narrative of the Divine An Ecological Reading of the Letter to the Romans in Comparison with 4QInstruction
(2021-01-28)The aim of this study is to elaborate on an ecological reading of Romans in comparison to 4QInstruction. In a literary analysis, recognizing figurative language, intertextuality and conceptual metaphor theory, the underlying ... -
The Possibilities of Supralapsarian Christology As Exemplified by Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar
(2024-06-18)Supralapsarian Christology suggests superior motives in the incarnation than God’s response to humanity’s fall. Several advocates thus speculate that the incarnation would occur even without a fall. Since this position has ... -
Totalitarismens existensform. Textualitet och politik i tre verk av Imre Kertész
(2023-06-20)This thesis explores the theoretical and political dimensions of textuality and self-reflexivity in the literature of Imre Kertész (1929–2016). Specifically, it investigates the relationship between textuality and reflexivity, ...