Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
A Newer New Age. Irony and the Enchantment of Atheism in Syntheist Religion
(2016-01-29)The purpose of this thesis is to study how the stipulations of religious thought changes as society gets increasingly digitalized, life become more virtual and people get interconnected through the internet. The thesis ... -
Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte: Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utvecklig i Sydafrika.
(2022-01-20)I litteraturstudien ”Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte - Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utveckling i Sydafrika” undersöks på fyra huvudfrågor: Hur ser den Neo-Pentekostala rörelsen ut i Sydafrika ... -
Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet
(2015-06-25)Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and ... -
Androidvetenskapen och den kusliga dalen: Japanska robotar som forskningsplattformar och filosofiska leksaker
(2014-01-21)The primary aim of this essay is to analyse, contextualise and problematise the scientific and technological goals of android science. The starting point of this investigation is the history of automata and man’s attempts ... -
Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire - en gotisk Lolita
(2011-04-27)Part of the great acclaim for Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire (1976) is due to the way she renews the vampire story by reinforcing the traditional erotic dimension and, as a result of this, the way she examines ... -
ASYL och KONVERSION Asylsökande konvertiters förståelse av sin konversionsprocess
(2024-02-14)The purpose of this study is to analyse asylum seeking converts understanding of their conversion process based on church context, specifically within the realm of evangelical church and theology. Through the method of ... -
Atopon. En intersektionell studie över svenska gymnasieungdomars tal om religion, etnicitet, klass och kön
(2014-07-01)This master’s thesis problematizes how students in two Swedish secondary schools think and speak about, and relate to, topics such as gender, class, ethnicity, religion and sex, but also how they move in, make use of, and ... -
Att föreställa sig världen En jämförande studie mellan två världslitteraturteorier
(2020-01-21)This thesis takes interest in a theoretical turn in world literature studies; from a focus on extratextual aspects, such as the global circulation of literary works, to intratextual aspects, such as literary works’ ... -
”Att ikläda sig ansvar” Inhemskt aktörskap i Skandinavisk Pingstmission i Tanganyika 1932-1945
(2014-01-29)A common phenomena in descriptions of Western mission initiatives to the South is the overrepresentation of depictions of the missionaries and underrepresentation of the indigenous people. It is fair to say that there ... -
Augmented Reality in the Museum: Creating and Evaluating an AR Mobile Application in an Exhibition
(2020-09-08)The purpose of this thesis is to map the process of making an AR application using 3D models for a museum, and study visitors’ experience of the application and investigate if the application generates a more meaningful ... -
Becketts papegojor. Språk, tal och berättande
(2013-02-12)The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back from ancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the Nobel Prize winner Samuel ... -
Begravningsplatser och begravningar i ett mångkulturellt samhälle En etnografisk fallstudie av Varabygdens begravningsplatser
(2024-06-12)The thesis explores what is meant by multiculturalism in today's Sweden based on burial grounds and funerals in a minor municipality. This is done through an ethnographic case study of the municipality of Vara. The study ... -
Den besjälade naturen – naturpoesi och landskapsmåleri i 1890-talets Sverige. Symbolism och naturromantik hos Gustaf Fröding och prins Eugen.
(2017-01-27)The following thesis deals with the motif of nature and landscape within Swedish poetry and visual arts in the 1890s. The aesthetic change at the end of the 1880s towards a style, which more and more sought the opposition ... -
Betongfeeling. En studie av Nationalteaterns dramatik
(2016-06-30)This thesis examines how five selected dramas by Nationalteatern relates to Swedish working-class literature, but the text also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that Nationalteatern should be more recognized in ... -
Beyond Crime and Space. How Quentin Tarantino conveys temporality and spatiality in relation to the characters in Reservoir Dogs
(2017-02-20)In my thesis I examine how the screenplay author and director Quentin Tarantino uses the literary format of the screenplay to convey the spatiality and temporality of the characters in the narrative. I also investigate how ... -
Bli hel. Teologisk reflektion kring erfarenheter av förbön för helande hos personer med funktionsnedsättningar
(2018-01-26)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to constructive theology regarding disability and healing, based on experiences of prayer for healing among persons with disabilities. Methodologically, emphasis proceeds from ... -
Catholic Public Theology on YouTube: The Articulation of Public Theology on Social Media
(2021-01-28)This study explores the articulation of Catholic public theology on the social media platform YouTube. To do this it works with both a minimal and maximal definition of public theology and establishes several markers and ... -
Charisma in the Spiritual Marketplace -an Ethnographic Study of How Spiritual Teachers in Ubud Perform to Be Assigned Charismatic Authority
(2024-06-07)This study, based on ethnographic fieldwork, explores how spiritual teachers in Ubud, manage self-presentation to be assigned charisma. By understanding contemporary spirituality as a spiritual marketplace, applying Max ... -
CHILD AS METAPHOR A theological perspective on liberation and hope in texts by Jürgen Moltmann
(2025-02-13)Metaphors of the child are commonly used in theological contexts but rarely analyzed and problematized. This dissertation will examine how metaphors of the child are used and deconstruct the metaphors to identify the ... -
Dans och framtid. 1890 års Ghost Dance-rörelse och de nordamerikanska ursprungsfolkens religiösa praktiker i svensk-amerikanska tidningar, 1857-1891
(2020-09-01)This thesis examines how Swedish-American newspapers portrayed the Ghost Dance movement of 1890 and the aftermaths following the associated Wounded Knee massacre on December 29th the corresponding year. The period of the ...