Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 52-71 of 96
Längtande Kroppar: Höga Visan som Pedagogik för Begären
(2022-06-22)This study explores how the Song of Songs could and should be interpreted in its own form, i.e., as erotic poetry, and on the basis of sexual desire. The common interpretation of the Song of Songs as an allegory of the ... -
Låt oss dras in i Herrens härlighet. En liturgisk-teologisk undersökning av sambandet mellan kristologi och ecklesiologi i Hebreerbrevet
(2020-06-22)The purpose of this study is to decipher the liturgical-theological significance of the Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews for the sake of indicating that these ideas may contribute to an understanding of the Church ... -
Makten att beskriva. Ett kritiskt perspektiv på metadata i multimediala arkiv.
(2019-07-05)The study examines the knowledge produced by three cultural heritage resources through their respective metadata practices. It is performed with a critical perspective on descriptive metadata in multimedia, digital resources ... -
"Maktens musik, Svensktoppens och hitlistornas eländiga dravel". Om progg, kommersiell musik och hegemoni i Musikens Makt 1973-1977
(2019-08-07)This essay examines the Swedish magazine Musikens Makt (The Power of Music) between the years of 1973 and 1977. This magazine was the dominant pop-music magazine during the 70s, and defined itself as a nexus for the so-called ... -
Med äran i behåll Gloria och Virtus i Ciceros tal mot Antonius
(2022-11-10)This essay, by applying principles derived from the thought of Quentin Skinner, explores the Roman concepts of gloria and virtus in the prose literature of the late Roman Republic, primarily in the writings of (in order ... -
Medel att återställa kroppens och själens krafter? Om Carl von Linnés syn på växters inverkan på människans sinne(n) i Inebriantia år 1762
(2023-06-29)Abstract: Carl Linnaeus’s dissertation Inebriantia (1762) emerges as a transitional piece at the intersection of the early modern and the modern period, reflecting 18th-century beliefs about inebriation, the natural world, ... -
Mellan kors och hakkors - Svåra val i en svår tid En studie av Biskop Alois Hudals förståelse av nationalsocialismen uttryckt i Die Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus
(2012-06-20)Bishop Alois Hudal is a man who is often mentioned when the relationship between the Vatican and the national socialistic Germany of 1933-1945 is discussed. In these cases he is usually presented as a Nazi and sometimes ... -
Metaphor as Microcosm – Metaphor in and through Maximus the Confessor’s Mystagogy
(2025-02-13)In this thesis, I aim to cross-fertilize a composite theory of metaphor with the theology of Maximus the Confessor. The theory is primarily based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory, complemented by the perspectives of Paul ... -
”Mu eallin” – genrens funktion i Mikael Niemis roman Koka björn
(2022-05-10)This master’s thesis studies the functions of the genres in Swedish author Mikael Niemi’s novel To Cook a Bear (2017). The plot is set in Kengis in 1852 and is told through two protagonists: the priest and Jussi Sieppinen. ... -
Mukti in Kristapurana. How Thomas Stephens S.J. (1549-1619) conveys a Christian message of salvation in words with Hindu connotations
(2015-10-13)This thesis examines how the English Jesuit Father Thomas Stephens used a language full of Hindu connotations for conveying a Christian message in his Marathi epic Kristapurāṇa, written in Goa in the early years of the ... -
När de döda talar - om Édouard Glissants Monsieur Toussaint och det förflutnas relation till framtiden
(2018-07-05)In the preface to his play about the Haitian Revolution, Monsieur Toussaint, Édouard Glissant writes that what he has attempted to express with the play is ”a prophetic vision of the past.” The purpose of this thesis is ... -
När Sanningar Möts. Unga i interreligiös dialog
(2015-03-09)This study centres on the question of how interfaith dialogue can function as a meeting place for young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five young ... -
Den nomadiska historiens kartografi – En aktualisering av det historiska hos Walter Benjamin och Rosi Braidotti
(2018-03-28)The following essay concerns questions about the status of history in Walter Benjamin´s critical philosophy of history and Rosi Braidotti´s nomadic feminism. I conduct a comparative actualization through locating affinities ... -
Non-Violence: a hallmark of Christian moral life An analysis of Stanley Hauerwas´ theological reflection on non-violence
(2024-01-30)This study analyses Stanley Hauerwas´ reflections on non-violence. In a society where violence and force are marks of the attempt to promote justice, it is required that the Church and the Christian community develop an ... -
Den olfaktoriska läsningen. Lukt i Sara Stridsbergs Happy Sally
(2024-06-29)This essay examines the olfactory reading as a possible way to make sense of a fragmented novel, in this case Sara Stridsberg’s debut Happy Sally (2004). Through close reading, the essay identifies the source of the smells, ... -
Om provokation – Oseriös musik möter seriös politik: Fallet Philemon vs Grammis 1972
(2017-01-31)The essay deals with a specific case of provocation in the Swedish music counter-culture of the 1970’s, where, in 1972, a few representatives of said movement – due to the apparent popularity of their actively non-mainstream ... -
“On an ecliptic Tuesday or Saturday the Tantrik practises several black arts.”
(2022-05-12)This thesis investigates descriptions of Tantra within nineteenth to twentieth century Theosophy. 34 accounts from two Theosophical periodicals, The Theosophist (1879–) and Lucifer (1887–97) published between the years ... -
Opplyst barbari. Overtrokritikk i Reginald Scots "The Discoverie of Witchcraft" (1584) og William Perkins' "A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft" (1608)
(2014-01-07)Witch-skeptic Reginald Scot and “witchmonger” William Perkins are typically cast as polar opposites in England’s early modern debate on witchcraft. When their differences are played down, Scot tends to be stripped of his ... -
Perspektiv på propaganda Propagandabegreppet i Sverige mellan 1920 och 1951
(2023-06-29)This thesis examines the term propaganda and it´s use and meaning in the public discourse in Swedish press between the years 1920 and 1951. The thesis asks the overarching question of how and why the definition of the term ... -
Politikk, frihet og kjærlighet i Goldmans anarkistfeminisme
(2017-02-13)When politics is understood as what happens between people, love is an expression of politics. Love is crucial for freedom: It effects what freedom is, and who can and should be free. Therefore love can both inhibit and ...