Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 31-50 of 96
Face to face: the Beatific Vision according to Gregory of Nyssa and Thomas Aquinas
(2023-06-29)Abstract: This dissertation aims to retrieve the doctrine of the beatific vision from the works of Gregory of Nyssa and Thomas Aquinas, hence the research question is: What are the respective understandings of the beatific ... -
Fr. Alexander Schmemann och Kyrkan som mysterion
(2010-06-28)What is the Church? This question has been asked in many times and places. In Sweden, it seems as if there's a general identity crisis among the churches. It seems like many churches don't know why they exist, or at least ... -
"Från mörkret stiga vi mot ljuset". Den socialdemokratiska memoaren som retorisk genre: exemplen Palm, Erlander och Persson
(2015-02-12)Although Social Democratic Memoirs comprise an extensive material, these texts have not attracted any systematic analysis as a distinct and yet varied form of textual genre. The focus in this MA-paper is the Swedish Social ... -
Från stat till marknad Apoteksväsendet och nyliberaliseringen i den politisk-ekonomiska diskursen, 1968–2008
(2021-06-16)This thesis examines the shift in the Swedish politico-economic discourse between 1968-2008, using the pharmacy sector as a case study. Through the framework of discourse analysis outlined by Laclau & Mouffe (1985), I study ... -
Från teknokultur till digikultur - En teknofeministisk diskursanalys av digitalisering inom kulturarvs- och kommun- och regionsektorn
(2024-09-23)This master thesis explores the way digitalization can be viewed as both as an enabler and an obstacle in society. Focusing on two projects, Digisam and Digitaliseringsindex, I employ a techno feminist approach analysing ... -
Frida Stéenhoff och Anarkismen – Stéenhoffs feministiska idéer i ljuset av anarkistisk ideologi.
(2016-06-28)Feminist and social critic Frida Stéenhoff (1865-1945) was groundbreaking in her frankness about free love, sexuality and birth control in early twentieth century Sweden. The interest in her works has despite extensive ... -
Gabrielle Suchons ord till kvinnan (Textuella förutsättningar, språkliga ytterligheter och symboliskt värde)
(2021-12-08)Gabrielle Suchon (1632-1703), was a seventeenth century philosopher, convinced by the equality of the sexes. Her debut thesis, Ethics and Politics - Divided into Three Parts: Freedom, Knowledge and Authority, is regarded ... -
Grepp om begreppen IB-elevers användning av litteraturvetenskaplig terminologi
(2020-03-06)This study investigates the use of literary terminology in student poetry commentaries. 40 upper secondary school literature students on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are asked to note down their ... -
Guds manifestation genom profeterna. Flavius Josefus syn på den hebreiska profetismen - En studie av Antiquitates Judaicae bok 5-11
(2010-03-03)Den judiske historieskrivaren Flavius Josefus som i Rom skrev sitt verk Antiquitates Judaicae om det hebreiska folkets historia betonade starkt den hebreiska profetismen, profeterna och profetian. Den tidiga kristna kyrkan ... -
Hemsökta gränser. En studie av gotisk barnfiktion och dess position i den gotiska genren
(2014-05-27)Although research on gothic fiction has given limited attention to children’s fiction, the last two decades have witnessed an increasing interest. To date the focus has been mainly on English literature with a recurring ... -
Icke-ideologins spektrum [Ideologins gränser och samhällsformationens rörelser i marxistisk teori]
(2020-06-18)This essay examines the field of ideology and its theoretical context: the social formation, based on Louis Althusser’s and Karl Marx’s writings on the topics. By constructive readings of several works by the aforementioned ... -
”INN I DE DYPE SKOGERS FAVN” Inre och yttre rum i norsk black metal
(2015-09-18)Emerging in Norway during the early 1990s, black metal is a music oriented youth subculture with a dramatic contemporary history which has occasionally been subject to intense media attention. Insofar the academic world ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-07-05)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-06-16)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Jean-Paul Sartre och konsten: Bildfilosofi, Existentialism och Biografi i Sartres konstnärstexter om Alexander Calder, Alberto Giacometti, Robert Lapoujade och Tintoretto
(2022-06-22)Sartre ́s writings about artists and their artistic works in the 1940s until the1960s seems to be related to his biographical writings about authors, his phenomenological philosophy of imagination based on Husserl ́s ... -
Kan doktorn skriva ut en bok åt mig? En studie om läsbiblioterapins effekt på det psykiska välmåendet hos sex sjukskrivna kvinnor
(2018-10-24)This thesis focuses on an empirical study of six women’s experiences of the reading bibliotherapeutic method while on sick leave, and its effects on their psychological well-being, and it will also discuss questions ... -
Konst i centrum En undersökning av två kontroversiella verk i Göteborgs offentliga miljö
(2020-05-13)This master’s thesis in history of ideas is an interdisciplinary study which engages in the aspect of urban planning, public art and cultural policy through the analysis of two different types of public displays in Gothenburg. ... -
Konsten som (för)gör mig – Att bli till genom ekfrasen i Tove Janssons verk
(2017-01-27)In my thesis I argue that the creating of one's identity through art and through the expression of art, with ekphrasis and existentialist philosophy as windows, is possible. Tove Jansson's novel Pappan och havet is filled ... -
Konstnärlig forskning = poetik? En studie av de första doktorsavhandlingarna i litterär gestaltning i relation till poetiken som litterär tradition och modern genre
(2019-11-28)In an article published in the Swedish Research Council’s Artistic Research Yearbook from 2004, the author and literary scholar Gunnar D Hansson indicated that artistic research in literary composition is comparable to ... -
Kulturarvsapplikation: skapandet av en Augmented Reality-rekonstruktion av en medeltida kyrkas exteriör
(2024-12-03)St. Olav’s Path is a unique cultural route in Sweden with sixteen medieval churches located along it, including nine that are ruined or fully destroyed. This report outlines the creation of an iPad application prototype, ...