Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 90-96 of 96
UNDERBARA OBEGRÄNSADE OCEAN En ekokritisk studie av havet i Olaus Magnus Historia om de nordiska folken
(2023-11-22)The aim of this thesis is to examine how the sea is portrayed in the book Historia om de nordiska folken (1555), to further understanding about early modern ideas of the ocean as a natural environment. The book was written ... -
Den uppståndne Kristus universella framtid - En studie om utvecklingen av Jürgen Moltmanns eskatologi
(2013-02-08)This thesis is a study on the development of the German theologian Jürgen Moltmann’s understanding of eschatology. Eschatology is often described as ‘the doctrine of last things’ but Moltmann considers this to be a mistaken ... -
Vad innebär agape och agapekultivering? En studie av samtida agapeteologi från feministteologiskt och psykologiskt perspektiv
(2024-08-06)The main purpose of this study is to explore and develop how the Christian conception of love as agape can be understood in light of feminist concerns, and how it can be cultivated in light of psychological research. ... -
Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"
(2015-06-23)The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited ... -
von Abstraktionen beherrscht: Abstrakt arbete och abstraktionens arbete i Marx ekonomikritik
(2017-09-12)In his Grundrisse manuscripts from 1857, Karl Marx (1818–1883) writes that individuals in the bourgeois society are ”von Abstraktionen beherrscht” – ruled by abstractions. In Das Kapital from 1867 Marx writes that for the ... -
Warcrafting myth A transmedial study of mythemes in World of Warcraft
(2024-06-12)The video game World of Warcraft has been active, as of 2024, for 20 years. During that time, it has expanded into novels, comics, animated shorts, and YouTube-videos. The aim of this paper is to study the use of mythic ... -
WOMENʼS WOVEN WEB - Activating the Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women through Social Network Narratives
(2020-11-23)When the Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women (Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, SKBL), became freely available online, it opened the opportunity to examine and transform its text-based content in new ways. The purpose ...