Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för språk och litteraturer by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 67
A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish
(2016-05-24)The present study investigates the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish. It is a bi-directional study that uses empirical fiction and non-fiction material in the form of original texts and their ... -
A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with level-matched Japanese schoolchildren.
(2016-02-26)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 18 March, 2016 Title: A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with ... -
Actitudes hacia la variedad caló. Un estudio sociolingüístico de adolescentes andaluces
(2011-05-23)Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group of languages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology ... -
Adapting Adulthood:Migrating Characters and Themes from Novels, Screenplays, and Films
(2021-01-27)När romaner adapteras till film förändras oundvikligen fiktionens karaktärer i processen. Det gäller även det tematiska innehållet. Denna avhandling betraktar karaktärerna och det tematiska innehållet i adapterad fiktion ... -
Aspectual classes of Verbs in Nyamwezi
(2019-10-04)This dissertation deals with the classification of verbs in Nyamwezi, a Bantu language spoken in central west Tanzania. The major aims of this study have been twofold: first, to classify Nyamwezi verbs into different ... -
”Completely Headless”. Modification of adjectives in Swedish advanced learners' English
(2014-04-29)This is a corpus-based, empirical study, which investigates Swedish advanced learners’ written and spoken English with regard to modification of adjectives, both reinforcing (e.g. totally different, very nice) and attenuating ... -
Då har Japan upphört att vara Japan – Det japanska tehuset vid Etnografiska museet, samt bilden av chanoyu i Sverige och väst, 1878-1939
(2018-11-09)The thesis investigates a part of the cultural meeting between Sweden and Japan, 1878-1939, namely chanoyu, or tea ceremony as it is more commonly is called in the west. The Swedish introduction of chanoyu included a genuine ... -
Der Nobelpreis und die deutschsprachige Literatur. Eine Studie über die Vergabekriterien des Literaturnobelpreises 1901-1971
Detta är en historisk studie om Nobelpriset i litteratur och dess kriterier utifrån fallet tyska författare som nominerades till detta pris mellan 1901 och 1971. Den bygger på en kritisk undersökning av till största delen ... -
Deutsch-schwedisches Codeswitching an der internationalen Universität
(2015-12-18)The study contributes to the growing field of multilingualism in university contexts. The subject is the bilingual language use of scholars working at German institutes at universities in Sweden. The study illuminates both ... -
Die Funktion der Bibel in Brechts Parabelstück Der gute Mensch von Sezuan und in zwei seiner Vorlagen
(Tönning : Der Andere Verlag, 2009-10-18)The Bible has had a considerable impact on Brecht’s literary production, which is already verified by scholars such as Reinhold Grimm and G. Ronald Murphy. However little attention has been paid to the influence of the ... -
Durch Zweisprachigkeit schneller ans Ziel? Zu Leseverständnis und Lexikonerwerb bi- und monoligualer Deutschlerner der schwedischen Oberstufe
(2011-04-05)This thesis provides an analysis of bilingual immigrant high school students learning their first year of German as a foreign language (L3, L4, L5 etc.) and compares them with a monolingual control group, with the aim of ... -
EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ASPECTO VERBAL EN LOS TIEMPOS DEL PASADO ESPAÑOL. El pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto en estudiantes de ELE en Suecia.
(2018-02-08)The acquisition of the verbal aspect in Spanish as a second language is one of the most frequent and complex issues in SLA literature. Over the last forty years, scholars have developed different hypotheses and theories ... -
El uso de combinaciones de palabras con que en un corpus de aprendices suecos de español como lengua extranjera
(2012-05-07)Previous research in phraseological studies has approached the difficulties that learners of foreign and second languages have to produce word combinations derived from idiomatic- or phraseological principles. Using the ... -
Encuadres espaciales en la representación de las identitades étnico-culturales en La teta asustada, Zona Sur y Nosilatiaj. La Belleza.
(2017-09-08)This dissertation deals with the cinematographic representations of the interrelations between identity and space in a corpus conformed by three films: The Milk of Sorrow by Claudia Llosa (Peru, 2009); Southern District ... -
Engagement in Medical Research Discourse: A Multisemiotic Discourse-Semantic Study of Dialogic Positioning
(2019-01-28)This study investigates how medical researchers engage with a background of prior and anticipated utterances in a collection of highly cited English-language medical research articles. Taking a multisemiotic, systemic-functional ... -
Erfolgreiches Deutschlernen durch CLIL? Zu Lexikon und Kommunikationsstrategien in mündlicher L3 schwedischer Schüler mit bilingualem Profil
(2011-08-19)This thesis investigates the spoken L3 German of Swedish CLIL learners in lower secondary school (grades 8-9) in comparison to Swedish non-CLIL controls and German native speakers; its main objective is to investigate ... -
”¿Es que crees que estoy loco?” La narración de la conciencia en tres novelas de Ramón Hernández
(2017-11-20)This dissertation aims to explore how one character’s alleged madness can be called into question. Ramón Hernández’s novels often create an ambiguity about events that befall the main character: have they imagined the plot ... -
"Escribid para el pueblo". Historias, costumbres y valores nacionales en el teatro chileno (1810-1879)
(2018-08-16)The intention of this study is to deepen our knowledge of the interrelation between different Chilean plays based on ideas that were promoted by critics and intellectuals for the creation and promotion of a national ... -
Fantastique et révolte chez Jean Muno et Hugo Raes
(2010-02-03)This thesis examines the thematic of revolt in the work of two Belgian writers, Jean Muno (1924-1988), French-speaking, and Hugo Raes (1929-), Dutch-speaking. It is not a comparative study of their texts; the differences ...