Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Förvaltningshögskolan by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Accounting, Professions, and Performativity: Exploring the limits of accountingisation in professional organisations
(2022-08-18)This thesis explores the practice of calculations and their consequences in different professional contexts. Specifically, it aims to extend the discussion on the relationship between accounting and public sector professionals ... -
Auditing the African State. International Standards and Local Adjustments
(2012-01-09)Norms for how to create accountability within the public sector have long historic roots in organizing the democratic society, where auditors are particular public servants controlling the rest of the public sector ... -
Cross-Sector Strategists. Dedicated Bureaucrats in Local Government Administration
(2017-11-29)It is argued that political-administrative organizations are becoming increasingly complex with more horizontal governance required. In Swedish municipal administration, there is a group of administrators assigned the task ... -
Desirable Victims: Systems of Refugee Selection in Swedish and Canadian Migration Governing
(2024-01-09)This thesis explores how states try to govern refugee migration by classifying and ordering its subjects. It argues that a unifying construct of state migration control is selection: to maintain a system that offers ... -
En berättelse om att (få) vara kvar- En studie i att skapa utrymme för samverkansuppdrag i offentlig sektor
(2024-01-22)This thesis explores the intricacies of novel collaboration among diverse actors working towards the common goal of organizing labor market integration for foreign-born individuals. The research endeavors to understand ... -
Företagare eller politiker?
(2016-04-14)Today municipally owned companies are an established part of the Swedish local organisation. Municipally owned companies are situated in the boundary between the public and private sectors and that leads us to ask what ... -
Från idé till politisk verklighet. Föräldrapolitiken i Sverige och Danmark
(2011-09-29)The empirical aim of this thesis is to explain why Sweden and Denmark since 1974 has been pursuing divergent parental leave politics. When Sweden in 1974 replaced its maternity leave with a gender neutral parental leave ... -
De granskade. Om hur offentliga verksamheter görs granskningsbara
(2012-10-09)During recent decades audits have taken on a more prominent role in governance, in Sweden and in the Western world as a whole. Audit is used in this context as an umbrella designation for control methods such as inspection, ... -
Hållbarhetens mänskliga byggstenar - om betydelsen av engagerade tjänstemän i det lokala miljömålsarbetet
(2009-05-20)Abstract This thesis focuses on the municipal civil servant’s role in local environmental work. The overall purpose is to increase knowledge about personal involvement in the role of the civil servant and indeed to ... -
Jämställdhetspolitik och styrformens betydelse. Europeiska socialfonden i svensk och spansk förvaltning
(2019-02-06)The EU´s regional policy is one of the world's largest in terms of budget size and geographical range. The regional policy promotes project activities across Europe funded by structural funds, of which the European Social ... -
Kommunala satsningar av betydelse – en fråga om identitet, förnuft och tillfälligheter
(2010-11-25)Everywhere we go we encounter buildings and events initiated by local governments, projects which have motives of making the city stand out from the competition and be placed ‘on the map’ in order to create identity and ... -
Locked-in collaboration
(2016-12-05)Collaboration, employed in defining a problem, finding a solution, and implementing it, has been proposed as a solution to a range of problems framed as wicked or complex. Collaboration can be justified based on instrumental, ... -
Lokal policydesign. Om hur kommuner skapar policy som klargör ansvarsrelationen mellan kommunen och kommunmedborgarna i krissituationer
(2011-04-15)In Sweden, the policy concerning the public responsibility for the citizens’ welfare and protection during crisis is somewhat ambiguous. Therefore, this responsibility will reveal itself in practice during an actual ... -
När idéer får liv - Om intraprenader i tre kommuner
(2019-04-04)In the early 2000s an idea regarding how to organise the Swedish public sector, called internal contracts, attracted attention from many different public authorities in Sweden. Organising in the form of internal contracts ... -
New Public Professional Organisationalism Towards new professional, managerial and cliental roles as exemplified in Swedish schools
(2021-08-26)This thesis aims to deepen our understanding of public professional organisationalism. Whereas new professionalism is an established concept used to describe changes in the roles of professionals, there is a lack of studies ... -
Organisering av standarder, certifiering och ackreditering som en global styrregim
(2016-09-26)En studie över hur standarder, certifiering och ackreditering används som verktyg för att styra organisationer och hur dessa verktyg skapar en global styrregim där alla är styrda men ingen styr alla. -
Planering på gränsen och gränsen för planering - En studie av gränsöverskridande samhällsplanering
(2023-04-27)This exploratory thesis aims to describe and analyze how boundaries emerge, affect planning practices, and how boundaries are managed over time in order to achieve integrated planning processes. This thesis is particularly ... -
Political conflicts - Dissent and antagonism among political parties in local government
(2019-01-09)Political conflicts arise out of, or are at least nourished by, divisions and tensions in society over how resources are distributed between citizens and social groups. In the parliamentary arena, these conflicts are ...