Now showing items 11-20 of 1614
Välfärdspolitik under utveckling i Mexico
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2010)
Senior Göteborg
(SOM-institutet, 2006)
Patterns of Regime Breakdown since the French Revolution
We present a new dataset comprising more than 1900 regimes in 197 polities over the time period 1789-2016. We use this dataset to describe dierent historical patterns of regime duration globally, leveraging ne-grained ...
Sexting among adolescents: A gendered online phenomenon, related to individual and social determinants
This thesis concerns sexting among Swedish adolescents and adolescent sexual
development. Adolescence is a period of major bodily, cognitive, and social changes
and of sexual exploration. As many post-millennials have ...
Utveckling av medborgardialog – ett samarbete mellan Ale kommun och Ghanzi District i Botswana
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2018)
Rapporten Utveckling av medborgardialog är en berättelse om ett utvecklingsarbete i Ale kommun i samverkan med Ales internationella
partnerskapskommun Ghanzi i Botswana. I Botswana finns en gammal tradition av att fatta ...
Från utvandringsland till invandringsland. En analys av migrationsströmmar till och från Chile.
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2009)
Does Quality of Government and Trust Explain the Cross-National Variation in Public Support for Climate Policy?
In accordance with the Paris agreement, the signing countries have undertaken to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, implying more government intervention to steer the behaviors of different actors with climate policy ...
Bureaucracy, Politics and Corruption
Most comparative studies on corruption are geared towards the analysis of factors dealing with the selection and the incentives of actors taking policy decisions in a state. With few exceptions, such as Rauch & Evans (2000), ...
Implications of the ‘Bread and Peace’ Model for the 2008 US Presidential Election
(CEFOS, 2008)
Presidential election outcomes are well explained by just two objectively measured fundamental determinants: (1) weighted-average growth of per capita real personal disposable income over the term, and (2) cumulative US ...