Now showing items 21-30 of 1614
Västsvenska trender 1998–2008
(SOM-institutet, 2009)
Holmbergs kommunindex och kommunpolitiskt nöjdhetsindex
(SOM-institutet, 2008)
Parties, Congress, and the Stock Market
Recent literature in both finance and political science has identified a series of
systematic patterns in the way stock market responds to significant political events.
The lack of a common theoretical core as well as ...
Göteborgarnas uppfattningar om sitt boende
(SOM-institutet, 2008)
(R)evolutionära idéer: Förändring i svensk sjukförsäkringspolitik 1995-2015
Since the post-war period, the Swedish welfare state has largely been based on the principles of emancipation and economic security for individuals. Some refer to this as the idea of progressive individualism. However, ...
Democrats Without Borders. A Critique of Transnational Democracy
Some scholars claim that globalisation compels us to radically rethink democracy both in theory and practice. This dissertation disputes such claims by arguing against two suggested normative models of transnational ...
Gender and Emotions in Family Care – Understanding masculinity and gender equality in Sweden
This thesis addresses care responsibilities in families as an arena for gender reproduction and change, primarily in the Swedish context, which includes a long history of gender equality policies, and broad public support ...
Democracy in Action: Decentralisation in Post-Conflict Cambodia
The process of democratisation in post-conflict Cambodia has been problematic. Almost two decades after the UN-led intervention in 1993, democracy in Cambodia remains shallow, as evidenced by various studies. Three main ...
Regionstorlek och demokrati. Möjliga effekter av en sammanslagning mellan Värmland och Västra Götaland
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2010-10)
I rapporten utreds vilka demokratiska effekter en eventuell sammanslagning mellan Västra Götaland och Värmland skulle få.