Department of Philosophy,Lingustics and Theory of Science / Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori
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From Abstract Syntax to Natural Language Addressing Natural Language Generation Challenges in Arabic Using GFWordnet as Lexical Resources.
(2024-11-28)This thesis explores the development and evaluation of Arabic natural language generation using the Grammatical Framework (GF) within GFPedia. GFPedia is a framework that generates multilingual content using predefined ... -
FINDING MEANING IN A HAYSTACK: On How Vision and Language Models Process Figurative Language
(2024-11-28)Figurative language is an integral part of human communication and everyday life. As a Natural Language Processing task it has long been the focus of attention in research, and recently it has been translated into a ... -
IMPLEMENTING A GROUNDING MODULE FOR AN NPC Testing grounding of novel names with state charts and LLMs
(2024-11-12)In this work we argue that any system that processes spoken human language should incorporate mechanisms for grounding, as it is an essential part of human communication. Because of this, we explore two name-grounding ... -
DIN INSATS GÖR SKILLNAD Legitimeringsanalys av kommuners kommunikation kring matavfall
(2024-11-12)Syftet med studien är att undersöka tio kommuners broschyrer och tre kampanjfilmer som handlar om utsortering av matavfall. Med hjälp av van Leeuwens (2007) legitimeringsmodell undersöks vilka legitimeringsstrategier ... -
STANDARDISERING FÖR TILLIT Två sätt att ordna inom en diagnostisk verksamhet
(2024-11-11)Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en ökad förståelse för hur tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning ordnas av och ordnar aktörer i en kunskapsintensiv högteknologisk del av den offentligt drivna hälso- och sjukvården. Med ... -
"MOVE TOWARDS THE BIG BLACK PIANO": HOW FINE-GRAINED FEATURES AFFECT THE GOAL OF NAVIGATION Improving salient landmark features in an end-to-end system
(2024-10-30)Navigational instructions like ”Move towards the big black piano” or ”Head past the green armchair” are intuitive for humans, as they rely on salient landmarks to guide movement through space. This thesis explores how ... -
(2024-10-29)Evidence-based practice, EBP, is the purposeful search for current best evidence in the evaluation and decision making process as a basis for the implementation of practices and policy. Rarely however is the foundation ... -
SYNSÄTT PÅ EVIDENS En analys av olika bedömningar och beslut kring läkemedelsbehandling för patienter med depression, anorexia nervosa och undervikt
(2024-10-25)Evidensens roll i sjukvården är numera central men den kunskapsmässiga kedjan, från sammanställning av evidens till behandling av patienter i klinisk praxis, kan påverkas av olika bedömningar och perspektiv. Samsjuklighet ... -
GENERATING ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS Automatic generation of route descriptions with visual elements from graph and salient landmarks
(2024-10-25)Can machines find the shortest route and guide us using intuitive, human-like instructions, such as ”move towards the big black piano” or ”head past the green armchair”? This thesis investigates the potential of machines ... -
(2024-10-25)There has been a recent focus on how neural agents in language games ground referring expressions in visual 3D-scenes. This thesis explores when referring expressions emerge and if they align with referring expression ... -
WHEN EYES MEET LAUGHTER: Exploring Non-Verbal Cues in Human-Robot Interaction with Furhat
(2024-10-25)Human-robot interaction is becoming increasingly popular, with social robots like Furhat playing key roles in enhancing communication through both verbal and non-verbal cues. This thesis investigates the impact of gaze ... -
Pluralism and Disagreement Can moral motivation pluralism survive meta-ethical disagreement?
(2024-10-21)Meta-ethical pluralism is a recent set of theories claiming that multiple of the currently relevant meta-ethical theories can be correct at the same time. I will focus on a pluralist analysis of moral motivation that ... -
Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Practical Software Engineering: Case Studies in Automated Patch Generation
(2024-10-21)In recent years, software development has become increasingly complex, posing challenges in problem-solving, code optimization, and error correction. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) ... -
Translating Path-based Logics to Modal mu-Calculus
(2024-10-07)The modal μ-calculus Lμ is an expressive temporal logic defined on full transition systems. Lμ merely has immediate neighbour modalities and no direct way to specify properties on a path-by-path basis, so it is remarkable ... -
Normative Realism without Objective Values
(2024-09-09)In this thesis, I question whether a newer kind of view, the presentationalist view, should be considered a normative realism. The view, proposed by Eklund (2017), claims that while there are (non-deflationary) true ... -
Hydra Games for Cut Elimination and Ordinal Analysis of IPL2
(2024-08-27)Intuitionistic propositional logic with 2nd order propositional quantifiers (IPL2) was introduced by Gabbay in 1974. Since then, a substantial body of work has been written about its semantics. However, there has not ... -
Cyclic Proofs for Theories of Truth
(2024-08-12)Formal theories of truth aim to help us understand the notion of truth and its role in logic and mathematics. The field has come forth from Tarski’s effort to give a formal truth definition, and has since seen significant ... -
Standardiserat vårdförlopp - problemet tid
(2024-08-07)Att öka förståelsen för hur olika logiker samverkar och ibland motverkar varandra i samband med upplevelsen och framställningen av Standardiserade vårdförlopp (SVF) inom cancervården. Vidare undersöks hur dessa logiker ... -
(2024-06-25)Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka korrelationen mellan nivå av dialektalt uttal och dialekten som identitetsmarkör, korrelationen mellan nivå av dialektalt uttal och negativa språkattityder, samt till vilken nivå negativa ... -
PERSONALIZED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN THE AGE OF AI. Leveraging Large Language Models for Optimal Learning Outcomes.
(2024-06-25)In a new era marked by technological advancements and the AI boom, language learning is no longer limited to the classrooms. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) propels further advancements within language ...