Browsing Kandidatuppsatser/Bachelor theses by Title
Now showing items 713-732 of 827
TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE: EXAMINING BUREAUCRATIC INFLUENCES ON GREEN AID A quantitative study of the effect of politicized bureaucracy on the effectiveness of climate mitigating aid – a global perspective.
(2023-09-20)The climate threat is alarming, which has spurred research regarding how to mitigate its consequences. A significant amount of environmental aid is transferred yearly, to help developing countries adjust and mitigate climate ... -
"TAKE BACK CONTROL" - En diskursanalys av Brexit-kampanjens invandringsmotstånd i Storbritannien
(2017-05-22)The British debate on the EU membership in the spring of 2016 was both hectic and intensive. One of the big issues in debate was immigration, especially from the European Union. The leave side, including representatives ... -
Talet om trafficking -‐ en hegemonisk strävan med kamp om betydelser: En analys av europeiska handlingsplaner mot trafficking med människor
(2012-07-09)This essay focuses on how trafficking is defined and dealt with in recent European policies, and particularly how prostitution take part of these discursive developments. Treaties and agreements on trafficking in human ... -
En tegelsten i muren. I ett murverk under förändring.
(2015-12-07)Bakgrund: Lämplighetsprov för blivande lärarstudenter har politiskt stöd men det finns inget vetenskapligt underlag som presenterats på senare år som kan ge samma stöd. Inte heller finns det stöd hos den aktör som ansvarar ... -
TEORI VERSERS PRAKTIK, VEM BESLUTAR OM VAD? En kvalitativ intervjustudie för att förstå grunderna till svenskt bilateralt biståndsgivande
(2024-01-24)Hur delegering går till i kommunal verksamhet är ofta klart, men det saknas ofta kunskap om hur delegeringen mellan politiker och myndigheter i Sverige går till. Detta är även fallet för den biståndspolitiska delegeringskedjan ... -
Terror och tillit: terrorismens politiska konsekvenser En kvantitativ undersökning av hur en ökad oro för terrorism påverkar det politiska förtroendet.
(2024-03-11)I kristider, som i samband med ett terrordåd, tenderar medborgare att söka trygghet och ledning från sina ledare och experter – detta utgör i varje fall kärnan i rally-around-the-flag teorin. Rallyeffekter som fenomen är ... -
THE "STATE"- The concept of statehood and the European Union
(2018-05-04)This study uses a qualitative approach to examine the criterions and specific characteristics of the abstraction which is referred to as the state. The ambition is to explain and identify the characteristics that needs to ... -
“THE BEST INTEREST PRINCIPLE” - A qualitative study on the interpretation of “the child’s best interest” by the European Court of Human Rights and national states
(2022-01-31)The purpose of this thesis is to analyse Article 3, commonly known as “the best interest principle”, from the Convention on the rights of the child (CRC) in European courts. The European Court of Human Right (ECtHR) is ... -
(2020-06-29)International governmental organizations (IGO) are a large and natural part of the international arena, the same goes for democracy assistance in various forms. Although extensive research has been conducted on both these ... -
The demographic crisis in Europe – “Immigrants, welcome!” - A quantitative study of fertility and migrations rates in 27 European states 1997 and 2017
(2020-06-30)The present study examines whether the demographic components fertility and migration are related among 27 European countries. From the 1970s fertility levels have decreased and the life expectancy has risen, which has led ... -
The double-edged sword? A quantitative analysis of authoritarian stability in the digital context.
(2021-03-31)Ever since its introduction the relationship between the modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) and authoritarian stability has been a topic of discussion. We have witnessed how the tools these technologies ... -
The Effects of Expenditures in Different Military Sectors on Economic Growth A quantitative analysis of NATO countries between 1990 and 2019
(2021-08-03)There is a large literature on the relationship between military spending and economic growth, but there is no general consensus of what the effects might be. The findings are often inconclusive due to the ambiguous effects ... -
The effects of party membership decline - A cross-sectional examination of the implications of membership decline on political trust in Europe
(2016-04-27)Recent research has established an extensive and persistent decline of party members throughout Europe since the 1960’s. However, research establishing the effects of membership decline is limited. This thesis will explore ... -
The environment of conflict. A quantitative analysis of the link between water scarcity, non-state conflict and the quality of government in Africa
(2021-02-12)Environmental security has been diligently examined in previous research on both subnational and multinational levels and have not found consensus on the contributing factors for why and how environmental conflict occurs. ... -
THE EU – A POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ON DEMOCRACY IN HUNGARY? - An analysis on how the EU has affected the democracy in Hungary
(2022-02-03)Since Viktor Orbán became prime minister of Hungary in 2010 he has hollowed out the Hungarian Democracy step by step and given himself more influence. Hungary became a member of the EU in 2004, so this has been happening ... -
THE EU-ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP The European Union’s power projection in the Middle East.
(2024-03-08)The thesis aims to study what kind of power the EU seeks to project in its foreign policy relationship with the state of Israel and adds to the research field by testing the foreign policy diplomacy through speeches and ... -
(2021-02-17)The aim of this research is to analyze how the European Commission has framed the concept of solidarity differently in migration policies between the European Agenda on Migration and the New Pact on Migration and Solidarity, ... -
The EU’s democracy assistance efforts in Belarus - An analysis of the character of EU democracy assistance and involvement in the mass protests of 2020-2021 in Belarus
(2021-08-30)During recent events, Belarus has come under the light due to the falsified re-election of Lukashenko in 2020. Mass protests arose, and the civil society’s demand for democracy became clear. This thesis aims to research ... -
THE FRENCH SECURITY AND DEFENCE ISSUE How does strategic culture help explain French views on common security and defence cooperation’s?
(2021-09-15)This thesis aims to explore how the theory of strategic culture could provide a better understanding of France’s views on common security and defence cooperation, as well as gain better insight as to how it might explain ... -
THE HIDDEN FACES OF THE COURT On the Unobserved Conflicts among the Friends of the Supreme Court of the United States.
(2017-02-27)The Supreme Court of the United States has during a long time held an important role in forming the application of American public policy. This study aims to answer the question of what ideological conflict dimensions is ...