Department of Political Science / Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
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Recent Submissions
Colonialism and Anti-Racism in the EU: Tracing a Legacy, Shaping a Future
(2024-11-29)This master's thesis analyses the long-term impact of europes colonial past on modern anti-racism efforts in the EU (EU). The study investigates European Union (EU) policy documents and initiatives from 2020 to 2023 ... -
CHINA AS A PARTNER AND RIVAL? Qualitative Content Analysis Of China In Its Roles As ‘Partner’ And ‘Rival’ Vis-A-Vis European Strategic Autonomy
(2024-11-22)The European Union’s pursuit of ‘strategic autonomy’ as a response to global challenges has recently been given more attention by public political debate and scholars in the field of European studies, yet remains an ... -
Religiös och sekulär terror: En kvalitativ studie av förhållningssätt till religiösa och sekulära former av extremism i svensk antiterrorstrategi under 2000-talet
(2024-11-18)Denna uppsats undersöker genom jämförande kvalitativ textanalys huruvida Sveriges fyra nationella strategier mot terrorism under 2000-talet har förhållit sig på olika sätt till religiösa och sekulära former av extremism, ... -
“WE HAVE NO PRIDE LEFT IN EUROPE” Italian Far-Right Discourse in Critical Time Periods
(2024-11-15)For a long time after World War II, far-right ideology was not favored in Italy until a sudden turn in the mid 1990s, which saw the collapse of the largest political parties at the time, creating opportunities for far-right ... -
THE FALSE PROMISE OF CORE FUNDING A study of the impact of donor requirements on the execution of foreign aid by civil society organisations
(2024-11-07)This thesis investigates the impact of donor requirements on execution outcomes within civil society organisations (CSOs) in the context of international development cooperation. Through a qualitative structured focused ... -
A Like-Minded Trade-Security Dilemma - A Case Study of the Anti-Coercion Instrument
(2024-10-31)The weaponisation of interdependence marked by the proliferation of coercion is a massive problem for open trading economies, like the EU. This significant scale evolved this initial economic problem into an international ... -
...sen jag var liten har jag tagit del av speciellt min mammas värderingar. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasiekillars kunskapsbekräftelse
(2024-10-24)Forskare och medier larmar om att allt fler människor drabbas av kunskapsresistens, vilket innebär att ha en ovilja att ta till sig etablerad kunskap. Detta benämns som ett hot mot det demokratiska samhället och det går ... -
(2024-10-21)Earlier research has shown that young and adult citizens in Europe participate in politics in different ways. While adult citizens participate in more traditional ways, non-traditional ways are more frequent among younger ... -
SECOND ORDER ELECTIONS ARE THE FIRST TO GO Can corruption explain why second order elections have lower voter turnout?
(2024-10-15)This thesis investigates corruption as an explainer for the difference in voter turnout between the European Parliament elections and national parliament elections. Previous research looks at how corruption affects the ... -
Bör det finnas fler permanenta medlemmar i FN:s säkerhetsråd? En normativ studie av givna argument för och emot en expansion av permanent medlemskap med hjälp av argumentationsanalys
(2024-10-07)Den här uppsatsen ämnar bidra till att svara på frågan om det permanenta medlemskapet i FN:s säkerhetsråd bör öka. Frågeställningen lyder: Vilka argument för eller emot ett utvidgande av det permanenta medlemskapet som ... -
RÄTTVIS OCH GENOMFÖRBAR KOMPENSATION: En normativ studie om kompensatorisk rättvisa vid klimatinducerad territoriell förlust
(2024-10-07)Inom det normativa forskningsfältet har en debatt rörande kompensatorisk rättvisa uppstått i ljuset av att vissa suveräna territorium riskerar att gå förlorade till följd av klimatförändringarnas effekter. Vilken sorts ... -
CONSIDERING TWO THEORIES EXPLAINING CORRUPTION Collective Action And Principal-Agent Recapitulated Through Experimental Research in Sweden
(2024-10-07)Considering adebateontheoretical explanations of corruption, I test two theories outside commonly studied systematically corrupt countries. The study highlights a problem with the current understanding of theories explaining ... -
Public-Private Collaboration in Swedish Crisis Preparedness: A case study on the local level
(2024-10-07)In the midst of Sweden rebuilding its total defence, an increasing amount of vital societal services are outsourced to the private sector. Despite the private sector’s growing influence in local Swedish crisis preparedness ... -
CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Swedish Stakeholders’ and Sámi Interests in the European Commission’s Consultation on a Critical Raw Materials Acts
(2024-10-07)This thesis examines the interests of Swedish stakeholders in the context of the European Commission’s proposed Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act, with a particular focus on how Sámi interests are considered by these ... -
THE CHALLENGE UNDER PLASTIC: GREEN POLICIES IN THE MECCA OF GREENHOUSES. Assessing the Implementation of the European Green Deal in Almería's Greenhouse Agriculture
(2024-10-03)This thesis studies challenges in implementing the European Union's policy on sustainable greenhouse cultivation in the region of Almería, El Ejido, Spain, with a particular focus on power, capacity, and politicization. ... -
EU’S GEO-ECONOMIC STRATEGIES AND THE CRITICAL ROLE OF SEMICONDUCTORS A qualitative content analysis of EU policy documents and regulations
(2024-10-03)The COVID-19 pandemic and the tech wars waged by the US and China have led to new geo economic challenges for the EU. All of a sudden, the EU realised how much it depended on others for its critical infrastructure. In ... -
OUTSOURCING THE LEVIATHAN Causes for and Consequences of the arrival of public-private partnerships in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)
(2024-10-03)This thesis investigates the integration of public-private partnerships (PPPs) within the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), focusing on their emergence during Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. As the ... -
UNITED IN SECURITIZATION A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Development of the EU’s New Pact of Migration and Asylum
(2024-09-30)This study aims to research the development of the European Union’s (EU) latest migration and asylum policy, the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (NPMA), in order to evaluate the discursive events that perpetuate ... -
ETT GEMENSAMT EUROPEISKT FÖRSVAR? En kvantitativ analys av attityder till gemensam säkerhets- och försvarspolitik i EU
(2024-09-26)Given the current geopolitical situation in Europe and the upcoming election for the European Parliament, it is important to further analyse individuals’ attitudes towards European integration, specifically the Common ... -
TRANSPARENS, EN NYCKELFAKTOR? En experimentell studie om transparens påverkar förtroendet för användning av artificiell intelligens (AI) som beslutstöd inom hälso- och sjukvårdenssektorn
(2024-09-24)The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is increasing across various disciplines within society with significant potential in the healthcare sector. As automation increasingly replaces tasks traditionally ...