ÄR KÖNSSTEREOTYPISK KOMMUNIKATION I DEN SVENSKA RIKSDAGEN EN GREJ? En kvalitativ analys av svenska utrikesdebatter utifrån ett genusperspektiv
Executive summary
A big part of political communication is strategically planned to influence our knowledge,
opinions, and assumptions about reality. Political communication is by science often proven
to be built on gender stereotypical expectations, which means that male and female
politicians largely use different ways to communicate. Because of these stereotypical
expectations female and male politicians can be evaluated differently for the same behavior.
This may negatively affect female politicians in particular, because the stereotypically
expected behavior of a woman does not correlate with the stereotypical expectations of a
leader. Because of this, female politicians may be valued not by their ability to be a good
politician, but by their capacity to behave and act according to gender stereotypical
The purpose of this study was to map out communicative similarities and differences
between Swedish female and male politicians when talking about the war in Ukraine. The
war in Ukraine was chosen as a subject because all the politicians have a similar stance in the
matter and can therefore be expected to communicate with a similar narrative. This gave us
the opportunity to compare the politicians and their communication more fairly according to
gender stereotypes. The theories used for the study were social role theory and gender
congruity role, and as an analytical tool we took inspiration from gender communicative
accountability structure.
The data was collected from two parliamentary debates which took place on June 10, 2022,
and on February 15, 2023. Sixteen politicians from different political parties were in this
study analyzed, eight were men and eight were women. To analyze which traits the different
politicians used, a model was developed from an already existing model originally created by
Gredbelsky-Lichtman & Bdolach. The analytical model contains 17 masculine traits and 16
feminine traits, categorized into stereotypically female and male traits, and according to
verbal and non-verbal communication.
The results showed both differences and similarities between female and male politicians
and how they communicate. Both women and men politicians used traits that matched traits
of the opposite gender which indicates that the Swedish politicians do not only use traits
that are stereotypical for their sex. They often used a combination of traits from both sides
while talking in the parliament. Some traits were only used by men and some traits were
only used by women, but in these cases, we only saw a few examples which suggests that
the differences depend on personal traits rather than gender
Student essay
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Lindkvist, Ebba
Martinsson, Tilda
Pahkasalo, Evelina
Politisk kommunikation, genus, könsstereotyper, utrikespolitisk debatt, Sveriges riksdag, Ukraina
Series/Report no.