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dc.contributor.authorPetersson, Louise
dc.description.abstractInfrastructure projects sometimes tend to generate protests among the public at a stage when opportunities to affect the implementation of them no longer exists. Considering the costs this creates, both in terms of economic losses and decreasing political trust, it is relevant to examine which factors that can create decision acceptance and legitimacy for infrastructure projects. This study investigates whether public participation can increase the public acceptance of infrastructure projects, focusing specifically on the case of road constructions. Previous research has shown how fair decision processes can foster consent on a wide range of issues. The hypothesis thus predicts that public participation will create a higher level of acceptance for the projects examined. The study was carried out through a web survey that was distributed to project leaders for Swedish road construction projects. The survey asked to what extent public participation had taken place during the planning phase. The analyses examine whether public participation is associated with a lower likelihood that the projects generated protests. The results show, contrarily to previous research, a negative correlation between public participation and decision acceptance. Distribution of information before consultation and adaption of project plans according to citizens’ objections do not show any effect on the level of
dc.subjectpublic participationsv
dc.subjectprocedural fairnesssv
dc.subjectdecision acceptancesv
dc.subjectroad constructionssv
dc.subjectSwedish Transport Administrationsv
dc.titleMEDBORGARDIALOG- ETT SÄTT ATT SKAPA ACCEPTANS FÖR SAMHÄLLSBYGGNAD? En statistisk studie av 42 svenska vägprojektsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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