Browsing Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis by Title
Now showing items 285-304 of 824
Game demands and fatigue profiles in elite football – an individual approach -Implications for training and recovery strategies
(2019-04-12)The physical activities performed during a football game are of intermittent prolonged character, including explosive actions and running at different speeds. The prolonged intermittent activities are conjoined with periods ... -
Gegenständlichkeit der "neuen, alle meine Möglichkeiten versammelnden Form": Die Text-Bild-Bände von Günter Grass
(2008)Title: Gegenständlichkeit der neuen, alle meine Möglichkeiten versammelnden Form : Die Text-Bild-Bände von Günter GrassEnglish title: Gegenständlichkeit of the new form that allows me to link and combine all my possibilities ... -
Genus i förskola och skola : förändringar i policy, perspektiv och praktik
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2009)I denna antologi presenteras några resultat från de undersökningar som genomförts inom projektet Förändrade köns-/genusordningar i skola och utbildning: Policy, perspektiv och praktik. Projektet har pågått under åren 2003 ... -
Geographical Mobility of the Tertiary Educated – Perspectives from Education and Social Space
(2017-08-29)The purpose of this research is to illuminate the complexity of measuring and understanding patterns of geographical mobility from higher education to employment. This is done by employing an educationally oriented social ... -
Giving Executives Their Due: Just Pay, Desert, and Equality
(2021-11-19)Before, during, and after the global financial crisis of 2008, executive pay practices were widely debated and criticized. Economists, philosophers, as well as the man on the street all seem to have strong feelings towards ... -
Gymnasieelever samtalar kring facktexter. En studie av textsamtal med goda och svaga läsare
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005) -
Gymnasielärares mentorshandlingar. En verksamhetsteoretisk studie om lärararbete i förändring
(2018-02-23)This thesis sheds light on Swedish teachers’ work in upper secondary school during times of restructuring. The aim of the study is to examine what teachers try to accomplish in their activities besides classroom teaching, ... -
Gymnasieungdomars livstolkande
(2012-01-16)This thesis describes and analyses views of life and religion, as a component of „view of life‟, among young people in a Swedish upper secondary school that in the words of the young people themselves is „multicultural‟. ...