Now showing items 1-10 of 77
Så kallade "klimatförändringar" - En kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om klimatskepticism i de alternativa medierna Fria Tider och Samhällsnytt
There is a growing interest and understanding of the global climate crisis and the effect that it has on the world. Through this growing interest, there has correspondingly been an increased amount of
attention that the ...
Den obrydda generationen? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungas nyhetsvanor under coronakrisen
During the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden, the younger generation has been portrayed by the
media as an unconcerned group that doesn't follow the Covid-19 restrictions issued by the
Public Health Agency of Sweden and the ...
“Den glade lille killen med bångstyrig lugg” - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om två försvunna pojkar
The intention of this analysis has been to investigate how two missing 12-year old boys, Dante and Mahmoud, and their disappearance are portrayed in news articles in the four largest daily newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet, ...
Twitter som nyhetskälla - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om nyhetsurvalet på Twitter
The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate if the news selection in established media and the social media platform Twitter differs from each other. Since more people than ever consume news on social media ...
Journalistiska arbetsmetoder - legitima eller kontroversiella? En kvalitativ studie av hur undersökande journalister förhåller sig till journalistiska metodval i förhållande till etiska riktlinjer
Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to examine how investigative journalists motivate and legitimize their method choices in relation to professional ethical rules. The study has a qualitative approach and central ...
All makt åt Tegnell, vår statsepidemiolog - En kombinerat kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediekonstruktionen av Anders Tegnell i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter under coronapandemin.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the media construction of the State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim is to see if there is a pattern in how frequently he appears in the ...
”Ingenting avgörs här – det bara låter så” - En jämförande studie av krönikor kring dam- och herrlandslaget i fotboll
Aim of thesis: Our essay is aiming towards an understanding of the Swedish media coverage of the Swedish men’s and women’s national football team. We want to reach a conclusion on whether or not the four largest sports ...
Att inte bevaka en match - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om covid-19-pandemins påverkan på sportjournalistiken
Aim of thesis: The aim of this thesis is to study how the covid-19 pandemic has affected the
Swedish sports journalism.
Method: Qualitative in-depth interviews with ten Swedish sports journalists, both reporters
and ...
Our aim with this scientific study is to investigate how the editorial writers in Sweden
position themselves, in relation to the governing power during times of crisis. We hope
with this study to shine light upon the ...
”Dom kallar oss rasister” - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltats i fyra rikstäckande tidningar
Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how the Populist Party the Swedish Democrats have been described in news media before the general elections of 2010, 2014 and 2018. We are also interested ...