Now showing items 43-62 of 87

    • Making families eat with a more sustainable water footprint. An attempt from a design perspective 

      Bouciqué, Griet (2014-03-20)
      When food is produced, enormous amounts of water are needed to make that happen. Since the water for that is more quickly used than it can be restored, there ‘s a need for people to go on a more sustainable “water diet”. ...
    • Memory Box 

      Bankeström, Sofia (2017-10-18)
    • Memory of Kyoto 

      Dicheva, Neli (2016-04-21)
    • My Persian alphabet 

      Askari, Charlotte (2014-03-24)
      The goal of this project has been to boost the earliest stages of literacy development in children bilingual in Swedish and Persian. My Persian alphabet has been created to serve as a tool that will help children recognize ...
    • Natur 

      Thorisdottir, Hlif (2014-09-18)
    • När tiden står still 

      Andersson, Lisa (2016-04-21)
    • Det nära och det långt borta 

      Johansson, Annie (2014-09-18)
      Går det att nå en association som skapar en känsla av betraktarens egen kropp? Jag har frågat mig om ett objekt kan upplevas kroppsligt och på vilket sätt jag kan hitta det i mitt material. Jag har varit upptagen av att ...
    • New Land. Structures for a changing working world 

      Schenkyr, Michael (2014-03-31)
      During this thesis the challenges of the working world were explored from the perspective of self-employed designers. Our working world is changing. Gone are the days when young professionals moved from position to ...
    • New Service Implementation: The importance of business aspects in service design practice 

      Pumarola, Mireia (2016-10-20)
      My research originates from the situation service design agencies are currently challenging: the dilemma of service implementation after being launched. This thesis provides an understanding of the stage between the moment ...
    • Pacifistiska berättelser 

      Larsson, Rasmus (2014-09-18)
    • Participatory Branding - Involving startups in the design process of their brand. 

      Ciranova, Lucia; Zannotti, Flaminia (2016-01-08)
      Despite brands being strategic assets central to company’s long term success, little or no attention to branding can be seen in the business literature and resources for startups. If so, it is usually by adapting the ...
    • Path of play. A tool to make it easier for preschool teachers to help children with low self-esteem, dare to participate in other children’s play, express themselves and go all-in in play. 

      Larsson, Johanna (2014-03-20)
      Children and play are two words that are closely associated with each other, but play is actually something that children have to learn how to do. They learn the rules of play from adults and other children in their ...
    • Play with conventions 

      Wei, Ying-yu (2017-08-30)
      The purpose of this project is to interpret Ming chair through story telling concept. The narrative is based on my personal travel experiences, in particular how I spontaneously encounter with people from other culture and ...
    • Playful storage - an invitation to play between children and adults 

      Ingvarsdotter, Maria (2014-03-24)
      To encourage play between adults and children through the design of storage Podium For Play (F.P) gives the opportunity to expose toy concepts in an easy accessible and inspiring way. Toys must be stored to be beneficial ...
    • Pose 

      Gyllerfelt, Karin (2014-09-18)
      Verket Pose kretsar kring frågeställningen vad det är att vara kropp i en rumslig situation. Verket består av sju textila föremål som på olika sätt förhåller sig till kroppen och söker etablera en relation till betraktaren, ...
    • Producing processes: an investigation into forming, framing and publishing 

      Rosin, Kaisi (2016-01-07)
      This project is an investigation into the process of producing spaces that frame, form and ultimately publish content. I have produced a set of flexible steel joints, which enable users to build up various structures and ...
    • Project Portfolio. The Adequate Living Space concept 

      Tari, Attila (2014-03-24)
      The thesis is taking place beyond our western-thinking based perception. Harsh, radical and from an opposite kind of viewing angle it is cute for the ears, but the studies based on nowadays visible facts, and the conclusions ...
    • Rapport från insidan ett levande ting 

      Haggärde, Matilda (2013-05-29)
      Lera bär på någonting ursprungligt och universellt. Jag har velat arbeta idémässigt enkelt och direkt, för att möta leran på det plan jag upplever den som bäst – med kroppen. Lerans förmåga att möta den mänskliga kroppen, ...
    • Result title: Not Realised 

      Erwander, Eva (2014-03-20)
      Resultattitel: Ej utförd Varje försök att göra ett misstag misslyckas. Misstag är oväntade och osäkra. De är enorma eller mikroskopiska. I processer umgås vi med misstag, misslyckanden och slumpen. De dyker upp i nära ...
    • Romantic Pragmatism - Embeded Value in Everyday Objects 

      Mikuláštík, Jakub (2016-01-07)
      To communicate in non-verbal way is important for a designer and to create objects with values, which transcend our consumerist lifestyle is more important than ever before. I aimed to create such objects in my practical ...