Now showing items 1-10 of 132
The Spirit of Financial Capitalism - A critical discourse analysis of stock magazine articles
Finance has achieved an ever-greater meaning in contemporary society since a chain of
deregulations. One practice that in particular has amassed importance as a means of capital
accumulation is stock trading. This paper ...
OCCUPATIONS AND DIGITAL CHALLENGES - A qualitative study about the implementation of digital work methods in dental care
This research aims to study how a qualified professional occupation experiences the implementation of digitalized work methods in their daily work. More specifically, how dentist professionals respond to the ...
“Who Cares? - A Study on Fatherhood after Separation in Sweden and Germany”
Within the theoretical framework of caring masculinities, the integration of care values in
men’s identities is emphasized as an essential facilitator of gender equality. Men
themselves have been dedicating more time and ...
Ett riktigt brott - En rapport om polisens utredningar av mäns våld mot kvinnor
Rapporten undersöker brottsutredning på polisens enhet Brott i nära relationer (BNR) i Storgöteborg med syfte att undersöka hur diskursordningen ser ut. I undersökningen används Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella kritiska ...
TO PREVENT OR NOT TO PREVENT CRIMES? A qualitative interview study about the insurance industry’s role as a crime preventive actor towards the construction sector.
Aims and objectives: The aim of the article is to examine if the insurance industry, as a third-party policing actor, generates crime prevention incentives towards the companies within the construction sector, through their ...
Belonging During a Global Crisis - A qualitative study on Brazilian migrants in Portugal during the Covid-19 Pandemic
This article analyzes Brazilian migrants' sense of belonging in their country of origin, in Portugal the host country, and the diaspora community during Covid-19 and if these belongings effect the decision to stay or return. ...
The construction of America’s crisis and the fear of loss: - A study of Donald Trump’s second presidential campaign in 2020
This study identifies the structure of populist rhetoric in Trump’s second presidential election campaign in 2020. This is done through the combination of three key theoretical concepts: col-lective action frames; populist ...
BASKET, BÖCKER, BROTT - Ett socialt projekts påverkan på brottsligheten
Aims and objectives: BonnierHoops is a social project held during the summer holiday combining basketball and book reading, targeting adolescents in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Sweden. During the fall of 2019 BonnierHoops ...
Impact of educational system on pupils’ well-being: Measurement construction of psychological, cognitive and social well-being
The aim of the study was to examine how the psychological, cognitive and social dimensions of well-being were constructed regarding Swedish Grade 6 pupils’ school experiences, and whether the three constructs differed ...
INVOLUNTARY E-COLLABORATION AS EXPERIENCED BY TEAM MEMBERS - A qualitative study of white-collar dispersed teams during the crisis of COVID-19
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how team members have experienced their collaboration regarding the shift from the previously-known-as-normal office-conducted work, to the COVID-19-induced remote ...