Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för historiska studier: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 67
Thegns Around the North Sea: Elite, Nobility, Aristocracy of the Late Viking Age
(2024-08-19)This cross-disciplinary doctoral thesis examines thegns (OE/ON þegn) in late pre-Norman England and Viking-Age Scandinavia, departing from the problem of interpreting thegns commemorated in 45 runic inscriptions from around ... -
Navigating Relationships in Exile: Norway, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Small State Diplomacy in Second World War London
(2024-05-13)This portfolio thesis maps the management of inter-state relationships by small power foreign policymakers in Second World War exile. German, Italian and Soviet aggression during the late 1930s and early 1940s forced ... -
De tjänstvilliga vännernas samhälle: Abraham Brahe och den svenska eliten 1590–1630
(2023-04-11)This dissertation traces the culture and agency of the Swedish elite during the years 1590–1630, focusing on lived practice rather than normative texts. It examines how culturally determined ways of thinking guided actions ... -
Afloat and Aflame: Deconstructing the Long 19th Century Port City Gothenburg through Newspaper Archaeology
In line with the international historical-archaeological discipline, this study aims to increase knowledge of marginalising processes and disenfranchised groups in the past and to contribute to the recognised Swedish ... -
Stone Age Companions: Humans and animals in hunter-gatherer burials in north-eastern Europe
(2022-05-17)This thesis examines the relationships between humans and animals in their mutual environment and how these relationships were expressed in the burial practices of northern foragers. The empirical research material consists ... -
Settlement Scaling and Urban Infrastructure: A Comparative Approach to Settlements from the Ancient Indus society
(2022-01-17)The scope of the present thesis is to analyze the major variabilities among Indus settlements and urban infrastruc ture of the ancient Indus society during 2600-1900BCE. This includes the process of urbanization in relation ... -
Iron Age Keys, Locks, and Chests: Exploring Locking Practices and Social Identities at Birka, Helgö, Lovö, Sanda, and Vallhagar
(2021-11-08)The use of keys, locks, and chests in the Scandinavian Iron Age is a subject overshadowed by the assumed connection between keys and the housewife with her administrative role on the farm. The key is sometimes even seen ... -
Mobility, Subsistence and Mortuary practices. An interdisciplinary study of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age megalithic populations of southwestern Sweden
(2021-11-02)The main objective of this thesis is to gain new knowledge of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies constructing and using megalithic graves in inland southwestern Sweden. The aim is addressed with an interdisciplinary ... -
Encountering Environments. Natural conditions for subsistence and trade at Monte Polizzo, Sicily, 650-550 BC.
(2021-08-30)The overall aim of this thesis is to deepen our knowledge about indigenous western Sicilians commonly called the Elymians and, ultimately, to recognise them as independent actors in Sicilian history. A vital part of this ... -
När andra ser. Gravmonument, social praktik och aktörskollektiv under 1100- och 1200-talen i Vänerlandskapet
(2021-05-21)Grave monuments showing rich imagery were made to a remarkable extent in the area around Lake Vänern during the 12th and 13th centuries. This thesis is about these monuments and about the physical remains of burials that ... -
Medeltiden materialiserad – om etablerandet, aktiverandet och bevarandet av minnesplatser i Ranrike
(2021-02-25)This thesis revolves around medieval material culture and the way it has been activated, circulated and used in arrangement and creation of memories in a long-term perspective. Focus is on medieval churches, church sites ... -
Vernacular buildings and urban social practice – Wood and people in Early Modern Swedish society
(2020-08-19)Wooden houses were major components of the early modern Swedish townscape. Yet, today these buildings have largely disappeared due to fires, demolition and modernity. The main themes of the thesis are the study of what ... -
Processing death: Oval brooches and Viking graves in Britain, Ireland and Iceland
(2020-05-19)Burials with oval brooches from the Viking Age settlements in Britain, Ireland, and Iceland have frequently been interpreted as the graves of a specific and uniform group of people: (pagan) Scandinavian women of relatively ... -
Tjänstefolk: Vardagsliv i underordning, Stockholm 1600-1635.
(2020-05-14)In early modern Europe, large parts of the young and unmarried popula- tion worked as servants in the households of others, until they could marry. The servants were subordinated their master in a patriarchal relationship, ... -
Pagan Pasts, Christian Futures: Memory Manipulation and Christianisation in the Cities of Western Asia Minor
(2019-08-15)Religion has always impacted how we structure the physical world around us, and the Roman world was no exception. Roman cities were constructed and shaped around religious life and religious practices. Religious art was ... -
Könets krona. Representationer av svenska drottningar från stormaktsenvälde till medborgarsamhälle
(2019-06-05)Representations of the monarchy have been the subject of many previous studies. These studies have almost exclusively focused on kings, based on the fact that kings wielded formal political power and have thus been perceived ... -
Gloria muliebris: Elite female status competition in Mid-Republican Rome
(2019-06-03)Elite status competition permeated mid-Republican Rome (264–133 BCE). Struggles for superiority in status among the senatorial elite catalysed social growth and conflict in the res publica: competition and the desire for ... -
Härskare i liv och död. Social exklusivitet och maktstrategi i Vänerbygd under yngre järnålder
(2019-05-03)Between 2000 and 2012, archaeological investigations were conducted in Sunnerby at Kållandsö. A large mound from the Vendel period, an elite settlement from the late Iron Age/Medieval Times, as well as the remains of a ... -
Vid gränsen. Mottagningen av flyktingar från Norge 1940-1945
(2018-12-13)Norway was occupied by Germany on the 9th April 1940. As a consequence, thousands of Norwegians fled to Sweden, and there are good grounds for asserting that Sweden experienced its first fairly extensive refugee crisis. ... -
A city on a hill cannot be hidden: Function and symbolism of Ancient Greek akropoleis
(2018-11-26)En akropolis (plur. akropoleis), en befäst kulle högt över en antik grekisk stad, utgör en av de mest välkända vyerna från antiken, men ingen har än studerat akropoleis systematiskt. Ett forskningsfokus på Athens Akropolis ...