Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för historiska studier: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 67
Att skriva sig ut. Nya terapeutiska miljöer och tvångsvårdade patienters subjektsformering 1967–1992
(2018-10-05)The overall aim of the thesis is to analyze the new therapeutic projects and initiatives at St Lars Hospital in Lund, southern Sweden, during the period 1967–1992. Psychiatric care took place in society, rather than separated ... -
Orienting West Mexico: The Mesoamerican World System 200-1200 CE
(2018-02-07)As world-systems theory came to the fore in archaeology during the 1980s and 1990s, it became evident that the analysis of pre-capitalist core/periphery relations required modifications of this theory for its further use ... -
Ordens kraft : Politiska eder i Sverige 1520-1718
(2017-09-14)Political oaths were widespread in medieval times, but all over Europe their use dwindled in the early modern period, resulting in the institution being dismantled in many states. In previous research, this decay has been ... -
Mellan fromhet och vidskepelse: Materialitet och religiositet i det efterreformatoriska Sverige
(2017-08-15)I avhandlingen undersöks olika förhållningssätt gentemot det materiella i fromhetslivet under 1600- och 1700-talen. Avhandlingens första del behandlar kyrkorummet och dess föremål, som sidoaltare, bilder och reliker. Den ... -
Med dubbla syften. Forum för kvinnliga forskare, aktivism och statsfeminism 1975–1995
(2017-05-09)Abstract Ph.D. dissertation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2017 Title: Med dubbla syften: Forum för kvinnliga forskare, aktivism och statsfeminism 1975–1995 English title: With a Dual Purpose: Forum for Women Scholars, ... -
På jakt efter kvinnors arbete. En modell för analys av genus och arbetsdelning på forntida boplatser. Exempel från Timmeråshyddan, Skrivarhelleren och Hus 13 på Fosieboplatsen.
(2017-01-17)Avhandlingen visar en modell för analys av kvinnors arbete och arbetsdelning på förhistoriska boplatser. Genus, förhandlingar, status, praxis, ytor & utrymmen, mikroarkeologi, women´s room to manoeuver, intersektionalitet, ... -
Displaying Loot. The Benin objects and the British Museum
(2016-08-26)This study deals with the objects, now in the British Museum, that were looted from Benin City, present-day Nigeria, in 1897. It looks at how the museum represents the Benin objects, the Edo/African, the British/Westerner, ... -
Churches, Chapels, and Maya Dwellings of Colonial Yucatán and Belize. A Postcolonial Approach
(2016-03-02)This thesis was conceived as an attempt to use the terms hybridity and third space in historical archaeology with a comparative analysis of early colonial churches and Maya dwellings on the Yucatán Peninsula and Belize. ... -
Tjärby – Lokala sedvänjor och långväga kontakter. Förromerskt grav- och byggnadsskick ur ett halländskt perspektiv
(2015-12-18)The main purpose of the thesis is to present, penetrate and analyse occurrences at two sites dated to Pre-Roman Iron Age. These events are regarded in the comparative light of their contemporary local, regional and ... -
Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion 1250-1550
(2015-09-04)ABSTRACT Tegengren, Gunilla, 2015: Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion, 1250-1550. (Sweden and the Northern Provinces. Central and provincial governance, administration and territorial expansion ... -
Upplevelser av förhistorier. Analyser av svenska arkeologiska museiutställningar
(2015-05-06)This thesis studies the narratives conveyed in 36 Swedish archaeological exhibitions. The aim is to investigate using an intersectional perspective what kind of narratives, identities and meanings are created in the ... -
Bourdieu och Arkeologi – Struktur och praxis bland gropkeramiker på Västerbjers, Gotland
(2015-04-22)With the point of departure in three main objectives the purpose of the thesis is to examine the potential of the reasoning and concepts of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) in an analysis of an archaeological ... -
Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery. A Study of the Emergence of Cults of Native Saints in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Lund and Uppsala from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries
(2015-01-20)Holy people have been venerated in various forms by all religions and ideologies throughout history. Christianity is no exception with the development of the cults of saints beginning shortly after its formation. By the ... -
Becoming vitrified
(2014-09-02)This thesis is designed to make a study with special emphasis in high temperature production. Two case studies are included that are geographically separated but united by the occurrence of vitrification; a material which ... -
Minnen från vår samtid. Arkeologi, materialitet och samtidshistoria.
(2014-05-07)During the last decade, the perspective of contemporary archaeology has been incorporated into the discipline of archaeology. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to problematize contemporary archaeology as a field of ... -
Kärlekens språk : adel, kärlek och äktenskap 1750-1900
(2014-05-06)This thesis examines the attitudes towards marriage for love among the Swedish aristocracy from 1750 to 1900. It also explores how the expression and experience of love transformed during the same period. According to ... -
Emotions carved in stone? The social handling of death as expressed on Hellenistic grave stelai from Smyrna and Kyzikos
(2014-02-03)This study deals with expressions of emotions in Hellenistic funerary art. The material for this study consists of 245 grave reliefs from the Greek cities of Smyrna and Kyzikos in Western Asia Minor; mostly dated to the ...