Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 618
Sortval för Äpplehagen: Odlade och rekommenderade äpplesorter i Skaraborgs län 1880–1930
(2024-06-25)This thesis investigates the former apple orchard Äpplehagen with a focus on its origin, history, and remaining fruit trees. Historical aerial photographs, historical maps, an interview with a former owner, together ... -
Äppelträdets beskurna form: Trädets utseende utifrån den tryckta handboken 1852–2021
(2024-06-25)This bachelor's thesis is a study of the variation of basic forms given the Swedish appeltrees. As a cultural custodian in gardening, my task is to see values in the green environment and manage them for the future. ... -
Traditionella och samtida bottenbjälklag: med fokus på isoleringsmaterialen
(2024-05-30)The survey aims to shed light on traditional and contemporary bottom floor frames, their construction and different insulating materials; mineral wool, wood shavings and charcoal. The purpose is to analyze and discuss ... -
En rörspis: och hur den är uppbyggd
(2024-05-22)This thesis researches the construction of the Swedish masonry heater called rörspis. A rörspis has an inner smoke channel system that stores heat and it was developed in the early 19th century alongside the Swedish ... -
Påmärkning vid virkesberedning - Bastning. Ett hantverksförsök
(2024-05-15)This essay aims to investigate a rare method of marking up timber before hewing it. The method for marking up timber is by eyesight, where visual judgment and the use of a broad axe are the tools employed. The broad ... -
Läggning av ett kilsågat brädgolv
(2024-05-15)This bachelor thesis contains the findings of an investigation into the laying of wedge sawn wood flooring. The advantage of wedge sawn wood flooring is the usage of more material from each board reducing waste. The ... -
Kompostering i kommunal regi: en fallstudie i Arvika Parkförvaltning
(2024-05-13)Arvika Fastighets AB is a municipal subsidiary tasked with managing all green areas in the municipality, with a strong focus on the City Park and plant beds in the city centre. These areas generate large amounts of ... -
Det praktiska intellektet: timmerlagning med mallbräda som exempel
(2024-05-06)This thesis presents a method of making repairs in log houses. The purpose of the thesis is to use this method to exemplify crafters practical intellect. The method is based on the use of a template board to transfer ... -
Stenebergs sockerbruk: en fallstudie av en timmerstomme från 1739
(2024-05-03)Stenebergs sockerbruk is a large log-timber construction, purpose built as a sugar refinery in 1739 and is one of Sweden's oldest industrial buildings constructed entirely out of wood. Despite receiving the status of a ... -
(2024-05-03)This thesis examines the sheep shed called Ronningsgift, and its historical functions and geographical location. The study aims to make a comprehensive gathering of the existing knowledge and to shed light on new ... -
En studie i begrepp inom byggnadsvården: samsyn och efterlevnad
(2024-04-25)The theory that concepts that are interpreted subjectively in building care creates problems in how the concepts are defined in practice within the current governing documents and guidelines for building care. This ... -
Ståndsgårdens övergivna trädgård: en studie av Kullen i Hova
(2024-04-25)The higher status homestead called Kullen is located on top of a small hill just outside of Hova in Västra Götaland. The house stands on a plateau surrounded by a stonewall. Aerial photos from the 1960’s shows what ... -
Glasbruksvillan och jakten på den försvunna dekoren
(2024-04-25)This thesis aims to propose a plausible design and construction of the lost gable pediments of the Glassworks Villa in Fåglavik, anno 1875. Through a combination of building inspections, photo analysis and 3D modeling, ... -
Den sydöstgötska dörromfattningen: en undersökning av Kisa tingshus dörromfattning
(2024-04-25)Kisa Courthouse in the south of Östergötland is a house built in the early 19th century with a typical neoclassical style. With clearly regular symmetrical wooden facade scheme with a central main entrance. The main entrance ... -
Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder
(2024-04-25)During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different ... -
En kartläggning av invändiga fönsterluckors utbredning och konstruktion
(2024-04-25)Interior window shutters can be found in historical buildings, but they are an uncommon occurrence in modern buildings. In modern contemporary construction, large glass panels are often the ideal because of increased ... -
Trästadens dolda utrymmen: fasader i husens mellanrum som kulturhistoriskt källmaterial
(2024-04-22)This thesis explores the narrow spaces between closely built houses in the over 300-year-old wooden town center of Mariestad, Sweden, and their potential as time capsules and sources of knowledge in cultural-historical ... -
Traditionell skidtillverkning: ett kunskapskomplement till dokumentären Skidmakaren i Gielas
(2024-04-22)Archaeological findings show that ski manufacturing goes back thousands of years in the Nordic region. There is a wealth of literature and film that deals with the subject, but it can be difficult to get an overall picture ... -
Betonreparation: imitation af eksisterende betonoverflader gennem bearbejdning
(2024-04-22)Concrete is the most widespread building material in modern construction and has been crucial to the development of modern architecture, over the past two centuries. However, it has gained a bad reputation, partly due ... -
En man och hans äpplen: en fallstudie av Carl Strömbergs äppelträdgård
(2024-04-17)This bachelor’s thesis studies Carl Strömbergs äppelträdgård, a private garden consisting of a large number of apple trees and varieties. The garden is located outside Örebro, in Närke, and is owned by a unit owner association ...