Now showing items 1-10 of 897
Coping with technology heritage A case study of a large telecommunications organization
The digitalization of society has become apparent with technology entering previously non-digital contexts, resulting in new opportunities for organizations to exploit and explore. Technology plays a part in enabling ...
Replacing Trust: A study of blockchain applicability in maritime logistics
In situations entailing risk, trusting others can leave you vulnerable to opportunistic behaviour. This holds true in domains where organisations work in alliances and there is a need for interfirm trust. Blockchain ...
När kameran inte räcker till
Digitala bildbehandlingsprogram erbjuder obegränsade möjligheter att förändra en bild. Förutsatt
att digital innovation inte enbart är positiv, är det likväl viktigt att utveckla kunskap om dess
negativa sidor. I denna ...
Model Based Testing of Data Constraints
Correct implementation of data constraints, such as referential
integrity constraints and business rules is an essential
precondition for data consistency. Though most modern
commercial DBMSs support data constraints, ...
Exploring the governance of platform cooperatives A case study of a multi-stakeholder marketplace platform cooperative.
Platform cooperativism is a movement that criticise corporate-owned sharing economy platforms regarding their negative role in generating poor social conditions of labour and extracting huge profits simply by controlling ...
Discursive Construction in Media. A critical discourse analysis of how BBC World vs. Al Jazeera English Constructed Yemen’s 2011 Uprising Coverage
The way in which different media portrayed and constructed the notion of the Arab Spring has
received a great deal of scholarly attention since the start of these revolutions in late 2010.
However, the role of media in ...
En studie i användandet av Single Sign-On inom offentlig sektor
Idag använder verksamheter sig av en mängd olika applikationer och system. Dessa kräver olika typer av behörighet, beroende på vilken befattning användaren innehar i verksamheten. Det traditionella sättet för att autentisera ...
RECIPROCAL TEACHING I NÄTBASERADE MILJÖER - En litteraturstudie om hur dialogiska processer kan främja läsförståelse med hjälp av digitala redskap
Denna studie har genomförts för att ge en inblick i hur man kan använda digitala redskap för att främja elevers läsförståelse enligt metoden Reciprocal Teaching. Metoden som är framtagen av den amerikanska forskaren Ann ...
INVESTIGATING THE VIABILITY OF PERFORMING DRIVING EXAMINATIONS IN A SIMULATED ENVIRONMENT The effect of mere presence and evaluation apprehension on driving performance
This report aims to give insights into how simulators could be used to assess driving
competence. For simulators to constitute viable alternatives to on-road assessments it is
necessary to understand all meaningful ...
CSR communication and Millennials
The focus of this thesis lies on consumer oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication and Millennials (consumers born after 1980). The study aims at providing the answer to the research question: ‘How ...