Now showing items 417-436 of 851

    • Keeping others in our mind or in our heart? Distribution games under cognitive load 

      Hauge, Karen Evelyn; Brekke, Kejll Arne; Johansson, Lars-Olof; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Svedsäter, Henrik (2014-06)
      It has recently been argued that giving is spontaneous while greed is calculated (Rand et al. 2012). If greed is calculated we would expect that cognitive load, which is assumed to reduce the influence of cognitive ...
    • Keeping up with the Joneses, the Smiths and the Tanakas: On International Tax Coordination and Social Comparisons 

      Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof (2015-05)
      Much evidence suggests that between-country social comparisons have become more important over time due to globalization. This paper analyzes optimal income taxation in a multi-country economy, where consumers derive utility ...
    • Keeping Up with the Vaishyas: Caste and Relative Standing 

      Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Gupta, Gautam; Carlsson, Fredrik (2005)
      We investigate the importance of relative income within the Indian Caste system, using a choice experiment. We find that slightly more than half of the marginal utility of income comes from some kind of relative income ...
    • Kenya’s Development Path and Factor Prices 1964-2000 

      Durevall, Dick; Bigsten, Arne (2004)
      This study analyses how changes in factor abundance and trade policy have affected factor prices in Kenya since 1964. First there was a period of capital deepening, but this was reversed from 1982. As a result, there has ...
    • Kill your darlings? Do new aid flows help achieve a poverty minimizing allocation of aid 

      Tengstan, Sven; Isaksson, Ann-Sofie (University of Gothenburg, 2021-11)
      In this study, we derive a poverty-minimizing allocation rule, based on which we assess the poverty-efficiency of actual aid allocations, with a special focus on the comparative impact of new donors and new non-aid flows. ...
    • Konkurrensintensiteten på marknader - vad påverkan den? 

      M. Anderson, Arne (1999)
      I ringa utsträckning diskuteras graden av konkurrens. En förklaring kan vara, att konkurrensuppfattningen härrör från neoklassisk teori. En mera realistisk konkurrensuppfattning vinns genom att utgå från SCP-paradigmet. ...
    • De la germana al la angla en sveda ekonomiko 

      Sandelin, Bo (2010-12)
      The pioneers of Swedish economics at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century were to a large extent influenced by German ideas and German academic life. They went to Germany to study, and their scientific ...
    • Labor market regimes and the effects of monetary policy 

      Hibbs, Jr., Douglas A.; Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni; Acocella, Nicola (2006)
      In this paper we use a standard multi-union, monopolistic competition model to evaluate analytically and numerically the effects of monetary policy on inflation and unemployment under different institutional arrangements ...
    • Land Certification and International Migration: Evidence from Mexico 

      Valsecchi, Michele (2010-04-19)
      In this paper we ask whether there is a relationship between property rights and international migration. In order to identify the impact of property rights, we consider a country-wide land certi cation program, which ...
    • Land Certification and Schooling in Rural Ethiopia 

      Congdon Fors, Heather; Houngbedji, Kenneth; Lindskog, Annika (2015-09)
      This paper investigates the impact of a rural land certification program on schooling in two zones of the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Using the variation in the timing of the arrival of the program at the local level, we ...
    • Land Property Rights, Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Panel 1000-2015 CE 

      D´Arcy, Michelle; Nistotskaya, Marina; Olsson, Ola (University of Gothenburg, 2021-03)
      Since the transition to agricultural production, property rights to land have been a key institution for economic development. Clearly defined land rights provide economic agents with increased access to credit, secure ...
    • Language and Scientific Publication Statistics: a Note 

      Sarafoglou, Nikias; Sandelin, Bo (2003)
      The number of contributions to scientific journals by authors from various OECD countries in 1998-2000 according to the commonly used ISI databases SSCI, A&HCI, and SCI Expanded is in focus. The number of contributions per ...
    • Leading by example? EU citizens’ preferences for climate leadership 

      Carlsson, Fredrik; Kataria, Mitesh; Lampi, Elina; Löfgren, Åsa; Sterner, Thomas (University of Gothenburg, 2022-10)
      For global problems like climate change, strong international agreements are difficult to achieve. Alternative solutions might therefore be necessary. In this paper, we study the support for climate leadership in seven ...
    • Life Satisfaction in Urban Ethiopia: Trends and determinants 

      Alem, Yonas; Köhlin, Gunnar (2012-12)
      Most studies of subjective well-being in developing countries use cross-sectional data, which makes it difficult to control for unobserved individual heterogeneity. In this paper, we use three rounds of panel data and ...
    • Local Unemployment and the Earnings-Assimilation of Immigrant Men in Sweden: Evidence from Longitudinal Data, 1990-2000 

      Akay, Alpaslan; Tezic, Kerem (2007-12-05)
      The earnings-assimilation of first-generation immigrant men in Sweden was analyzed using eleven waves of panel-data, 1990-2000. Employment-probabilities and earnings were estimated simultaneously in a random-effects model, ...
    • Locus of Control and Economic Decision-Making: A Field Experiment in Odisha, India 

      Ahsan Jansson, Cecilia; Patil, Vikram; Vecci, Joe; Veettil, Prakashan Chellattan; Yashodha, Yashodha (University of Gothenburg, 2023-04)
      We study psychological impediments that make it difficult to change be- haviour. In particular, we evaluate the impact of a randomised psychological intervention designed to target locus of control{an individual's belief ...
    • Long-run and Short-run Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate in Zambia 

      Kalinda Mkenda, Beatrice (2001)
      The paper analyses the main determinants of the real exchange rate in Zambia. It first gives a brief review of the Zambian economy and a review on real exchange rate studies. Then an illustrative model is presented. The ...
    • Long-Run Cultural Divergence: Evidence From the Neolithic Revolution 

      Olsson, Ola; Paik, Christopher (2015-05)
      This paper investigates the long-run infuence of the Neolithic Revolution on contemporary cultural norms and institutions as reflected in the dimension of collectivism-individualism. We outline an agricultural origins-model ...
    • Long-run effects of family policies: An experimental study of the Chinese one-child policy 

      Carlsson, Fredrik; Lampi, Elina; Martinsson, Peter; Tu, Qin; Yang, Xiaojun (2018-05)
      We present lab-in-the-field experimental evidence of the effects of the Chinese one-child policy on individuals’ preferences and behavior as adults. The experiments were conducted in three different provinces because the ...

      Andrén, Daniela (2001)
      Long-term absenteeism due to sickness has been increasing in the past two decades. This has raised many questions about causes, financing, and policy measures to prevent further increases. Answering these questions is ...