Low-lying zeroes of L-functions attached to modular forms
We study the family of L-functions attached to Hecke newforms of weight k and
level N and their low-lying zeroes. First, we recall the Density Conjecture of Katz
and Sarnak and how it predicts the behaviour of the low-lying zeroes of any natural
family of L-functions. Then, we review some basic theory of modular forms as
an appropriate background to the subsequent investigations. Next, we follow the
article [ILS00] by Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak in their treatment of the 1-level density
of our family at hand. From them we recover that the Density Conjecture holds
for bounded support of ϕ when kN --> ∞ and N is squarefree, conditional on the
Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Also, following Miller [Mil09] we find a term of
lower order when k is fixed and N --> ∞ through the primes. Lastly, we study
the 1-level density through the Ratios Conjecture. The prediction of the Ratios
Conjecture allows any compact support of ϕ, as well as agreeing with the explicit
calculations down to a power-saving error term.
Student essay
Söderberg, Alf
Number theory, L-functions, Modular forms, Newforms, Low-lying zeros, 1-level density, Density Conjecture, Ratios Conjecture.