Using Lyapunov Exponents to Explain the Dynamics of Complex Systems
Complex systems often display chaotic dynamics, characterised by being
exponentially sensitive to changes in initial conditions. Such systems are in
general difficult to analyse, due to the large number of nonlinearly interacting
degrees of freedom. Dynamical-systems theory provides a framework for
analysing such systems. One of the tools from this theory is the Lyapunov
exponent, which quantifies the rate at which initially nearby trajectories
converge or diverge over time. The exponent can be used to study how the
stability of a complex system depends on different system parameters. The
finite-time Lyapunov exponent can be used to reveal organising structures
in the phase space of the system that separate it into different characteristic
regions. These structures are referred to as Lagrangian coherent structures.
In this thesis, the Lyapunov exponent and Lagrangian coherent structures
are used to explore the properties of complex systems. In the two presented
papers, artificial neural networks are analysed, which are machine-learning
algorithms with a large number of interconnected nonlinear computational
nodes. We show that these systems can be analysed as complex dynamical
systems, and show, among other things, how this perspective helps shedding light on how the neural networks learn to perform classification tasks.
Additionally, a project on how microswimmers can escape through transport barriers in flows using orientational diffusion is presented, where the
transport barriers are Lagrangian coherent structures.
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Science
Institute of Physics
Department of Physics. University of Gothenburg
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Storm, Ludvig
Publication type
licentiate thesis