Tracing Tempera through Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysing samples from four icons from the Nationalmuseum collection
Tracing Tempera through Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysing samples from four icons from the Nationalmuseum collection
This thesis will analyze samples in form of cross-sections taken from four icons of the
Nationalmuseum collection, two Russian, from the 18th and 19th centuries and two Greek, also
from the 18th and 19th centuries, using the Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Technique.
The objective is to detect, isolate and, if possible, identify the amino acids and the fatty acids
in the protein and lipids used in the tempera, the ground, and the olifa using Time of Flight
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. By doing so, a view of the distribution of the different
substances used in making the icons, can be presented.
Through analysis, the paint layer can be studied to see how it has been affected by later
additions such as olifa (varnish) and conservation materials.
This will benefit the knowledge of these icons and their technical composition as well as it
will be an aid in the conservation and restoration of icons from a technical point of view.
To provide a background for the analysis, sections describing icons and the materials
technological composition thereof, tempera and the chemistry of tempera, and the materials
analysis method of Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, have been included in
the thesis. These sections have been based on literature research, articles, seminars, and a
conference on tempera, held in Munich in 2018.
The ocular examination of the icons, and the collection of paint samples for the cross-sections
took place in the fall of 2022. The analysis of the samples was done in the spring of 2023.
The microscopy of the cross-sections was done in the studio of the author and the analysis
was made at RISE research facilities in Borås with help of their Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion
Mass Spectrometry researcher.
Student essay
Other description
Degree project for Master of Science with a major in Conservation
2024, 60 HEC
First Cycle
2024: 02
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Olivier, Nina
Icons, tempera, emulsions, analysis methods, ToF-SIMS
Series/Report no.
ISSN 1101-3303 2024: 02