Det var verkligen som att man blev student igen när man började jobba
The aim of this study is to examine nurses with maximum of one year of work experience and
their expectations of the profession during their education in comparison to their current
perception of their work situation. The research questions address how newly graduated nurses
perceive their work situation, how they experience workload compared to their expectations at
the end of their education, and how they perceive expectations and treatment from their
supervisors. The theoretical framework consists of Karasek and Theorell's (1990) wellestablished
demand-control-support model and the theory of psychological contract. By
applying these frameworks, the experiences of newly graduated nurses can be compared with
previous assumptions, which could only be done after comprehensive descriptions of the
interviewees' current work situations were obtained. A qualitative method was chosen,
employing semi-structured interviews, to collect data from seven newly graduated nurses who
are currently working in hospitals and have worked for a maximum of 12 months. A thematic
analysis was conducted on the collected data, resulting in three main themes: Expectations,
Work Environment and the Importance of Colleague and Supervisor Support. All interviewees
provided detailed and varied responses regarding their current work situations compared to
their previous expectations. The findings of the study indicate a predominance of dissatisfaction
with the perceived work situation, with factors such as high workload and understaffing
identified as the main contributors. Additionally, all interviewees describe their work as
considerably more demanding than they had imagined. The majority of the interviewees also
expressed dissatisfaction with the treatment and expectations from their supervisors as newly
graduated nurses. However, a prominent and highly positive aspect highlighted by all
interviewees is the perceived support from colleagues, which for some has been the primary
reason for choosing to remain in their workplace despite wanting to leave.
Student essay
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Paravinja, Laura
Sjukvården, Sjuksköterskor, Arbetsmiljö, Förväntningar