In Pursuit of Promptness: Assessing the Link between HealthcareWaiting Time and Demand forVoluntary Health Insurance in Sweden
The demand for voluntary health insurance (VHI) in Sweden is growing, yet there is little evidence of
what drives the growth. Research in other countries with universal healthcare indicates that waiting
times in the healthcare system are the main driver for the increased demand. This study addresses
two main questions: (i) Does waiting time in healthcare impact demand for voluntary health insurance
in Sweden? and (ii) Does waiting time in healthcare impact demand for voluntary health insurance
differently, depending on the origin of the insurance? To answer these questions, a novel dataset is
constructed by combining data from the Swedish national-wide survey Riks-SOM 2016 and regional
waiting time data provided by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Probit models
are used to estimate the relationship betweenwaiting time and demand for VHI. The potential endogeneity
problem of simultaneity causality is mitigated by using lagged waiting time values. In line with previous
research, we find a positive association of waiting time on demand for VHI. The results do however not
suggest that thewaiting time impacts the demand differently depending on the origin of the insurance.
Master 2-years
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MSc in Economics
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Ene, Johanna
Isaksson, Jakob
voluntary health insurance
private health insurance
waiting time
Series/Report no.