Now showing items 1-10 of 28
Migration as an Adaptation Strategy to Weather Variability: An Instrumental Variables Probit Analysis
There is solid scientific evidence predicting that a large part of the developing world will suffer a greater incidence of extreme weather events, which may increase the incidence of displacement migration. We draw on the ...
Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: Does Agroecology Matter?
Sustainable agricultural practices, in as far as they rely on renewable local or farm resources, present
desirable options for enhancing agricultural productivity for resource-constrained farmers in developing
countries. ...
Essays on Economic Behaviour: HIV/AIDS, Schooling, and Inequality
Paper 1: Economic Inequality and HIV in Malawi To analyze if the spread of HIV is related to economic inequality we estimate multilevel models of the individual probability of HIV infection among young Malawian women. We ...
The Role of Production Risk in Sustainable Land-Management Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands
This paper provides empirical evidence of production risk impact on sustainable land- management
technology adoption, using two years of cross-sectional plot-level data collected in the Ethiopian highlands. We
used a ...
Adoption of Organic Farming Technologies: Evidence from Semi-Arid Regions of Ethiopia
In the wake of resource constraints faced by farmers in developing countries in using external farm inputs, sustainable agricultural production practices that rely on local or farm renewable resources present desirable ...
Risk, Time and Land Management under Market Imperfections: Applications to Ethiopia
This Ph.D. thesis addresses both theoretical and empirical issues pertaining to land management decisions of farm households in developing countries working under an imperfect market and institutional setting (with case ...
The Role of Soil Conservation on Mean Crop Yield and Variance of Yield - Evidence from the Ethiopian Highlands
Land degradation has been one of the major areas of concern in Ethiopia. Governments and
development agencies have invested substantial resources to promote land management technologies
and reduce land degradation. ...
Cost of Power Outages for Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia: A Stated Preference Study
Having a reliable supply of electricity is essential for the operation of any firm. In most developing countries, however, electricity supply is highly unreliable. In this study, we estimate the cost of power outages for ...
The Persistence of Subjective Poverty in Urban Ethiopia
Using panel data spanning 15 years, this paper investigates the persistence and correlates of subjective and consumption poverty in urban Ethiopia. Despite the decline in consumption poverty in recent years, which has been ...
Framing and Minimum Levels in Public Good Provision
Using a laboratory experiment in the field, we examine how the choice architecture of framing a social dilemma – give to or take from a public good – interacts with a policy intervention that enforces a minimum contribution ...