Master theses / Department of Sociology
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Från ambition till frustration - En kvalitativ studie om högutbildade migranter på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
(2024-09-23)This thesis examines the challenges and barriers faced by highly educated migrants, particularly Iranians, at the Swedish labor market. Using a qualitative method based on 12 semi-structured interviews, the experiences of ... -
Att motverka segregation - Ett sociologiskt perspektiv av Göteborgs Stads strategier för att bemöta segregation
(2023-05-29)The purpose of this study is to find out how the city of Gothenburg defines segregation and the presented solutions for counteracting the problem. The sub-purpose aims to understand how the strategies are influenced by ... -
The Emergence of the social strike - A new opportunity for labour?
(2019-05-24)In recent years a new emergent form of collective action – the social strike – has been discussed in social movement networks. So far, the concept of social strike has only surfaced briefly in previous research and this ... -
Post-Columbine - en kvalitativ studie av sju skolskjutningar
(2012-06-21)The study has got three aims. The first purpose is to implement the Newman et al.s rampage theory (2004) in a more dominant European context. In this way, the theory’s strengths and weaknesses can be exposed. The second ... -
Polisens kunskap – allmänhetens trygghet En utvärdering av polisområde Älvsborgs trygghetsmätning
(2012-06-21)Aim is to investigate from a criminological perspective how the safety questionnaire in Älvsborg police district can be improved theoretically and methodologically, in order for the questionnaire to effectively measure ... -
Det är inte det att jag kan rädda världen - En analys av hur en grupp polisers engagemang formas
(2012-06-21)The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a group of community policing officers engagement are shaped. Previous research argues that there is a police culture which conveys cynicism to the individual ... -
Olovlig frånvaro i skolan som problem och diskurs. Rättigheter och skyldigheter i den samtida utbildningspolitiken
(2012-06-21)The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in law and other types of politicial regulation regarding unauthorized absence during the reformation of the Swedish school system in 2010. How was this ”new” approach ... -
Handarbetets sociala rum - om emotionshantering och kollektiv identitet i handarbetsrörelsen
(2012-04-24)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate emotions and collective identity in the handicraft movement. Which are the collective identities of craft movement, and is it possible to speak of an over all collective ... -
Villkorad av verkligheten - Om produktionen av Arbetsförmedlingens yrkesbeskrivningar
(2011-10-26)The first aim of this study is to describe how the public employment service (PES) produces occupational descriptions. The second aim is to analyse the conditions for that production. Method: The empiric material consists ... -
Områdets polis eller polisens område? En analys av hur områdespolisen i Bergsjön gör sig relevant för sitt område och sin organisation
(2011-10-21)The aim of the thesis is to illustrate how a group of community policing officers makes themselves relevant to their community, this in relation to wider organizational circumstances and exterior structures of society. ... -
Emotioner och emotionella uttryck i Sverige och Grekland
(2011-10-21)The purpose is to explore and describe norms and values concerning emotions and emotional expression in Sweden and Greece from an emotionsociological perspective. Do emotional regimes on a national level exist and if ... -
Muslim Participation in the Public Sphere in Sweden
(2011-10-18)This paper aims to investigate Muslims’ participation in the various public spheres in Sweden. Using case study and discourse analysis as methods, textual and visual material from Swedish mass media has been analysed to ... -
The Patient, The Doctor and Their Technologies – Change and Continuity Within Patient-Centred Care
(2011-10-18)This article aims at analysing the history of the logic of patient-centred care (PCC) by addressing change and continuity within the development of this rationality of healthcare government. Making use of the theoretical ... -
Problembilder av ungdomars politiska utanförskap - En studie av projektet ”Demokrati för alla”
(2011-10-18)Aims: The aim of this study is to describe how youth’s political exclusion is constructed as a social problem. This is done through a study of a project which aim is to engage young people in politics. Method and theory: ... -
Using Complexity Theory Methods for Sociological Theory Development - With a Case Study on Socio-Technical Transitions
(2011-08-12)During the last few decades the interest in Complexity Theory (CT) methods in sociology has increased, partly as a result of the increased complexity in sociological theory and partly of that these methods have become more ... -
Socialt stöd efter våldtäkt
(2011-06-28)The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a ... -
Producing “Healthy” Girl Subjectivities – Pharmaceutical Advertising of the HPV Vaccine in Sweden
(2011-06-28)The aim of this study is to explore how Swedish HPV vaccine advertising campaigns serve to produce Swedish adolescent girl subjectivities as the ideal users of HPV vaccine and how adolescent girls are addressed encouraging ... -
Om patientföreningar och kunskapens kärna En kritisk realistisk studie av patientföreningar, diagnoser och vetenskap
(2011-06-28)Aims: Patient associations have been around for some time and research has shown that such associations can influence society, politics and how diagnoses are thought of. This study is a comparative analysis of two patient ... -
En praktisk lösning - om styrningsteknologier inom könsutredningar
(2011-06-28)The purpose of this article is to explore the technologies of government that are created within gender disorder assessments as an institution. I have done so by utilizing Norman Faircloughs discourse analysing instrument ... -
Stabilitet i förändring
(2010-09-30)Detta kapitel sammanfattar och diskuterar uppsatsens första forskningsfråga, varför tillit är viktigt. Tillit är viktigt i relationen mellan politiker och tjänstemän eftersom den verksamhet politikerna förväntas styra är ...