Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Högskolan för design och konsthantverk (2012-2019) by Title
Now showing items 4-12 of 12
Händelser på ytan – shibori som kunskapande rörelse
(2016-05-11)In present times, shibori, though originally a Japanese word, is an international umbrella term for craft techniques related to the dyeing of textiles. In an artistic context, shibori signifies the act of (e)laborating by ... -
Lerbaserad erfarenhet och språklighet
(2016-11-22)During the course of the twentieth century, a doubt emerged – first within visual arts, and later also within crafts – where the relevance of the traditional way of making art was addressed, as were thoughts on what was ... -
Light Shapes Spaces: Experience of Distribution of Light and Visual Spatial Boundaries
(2012-11-14)Light enables us to experience space. The distribution of light is vital for spatial experience but has not been the main focus of previous research on lighting. The lighting designer’s professional knowledge is to a ... -
Linjer. Musikens rörelser – komposition i förändring
(2013-07-15)Lines: Music Moving – Composition Changing is a dissertation that focuses on relationships in music. The main question posed in this dissertation is: How does music relate to what is not music? Through an artistic inquiry, ... -
Meaning in the Making: Introducing a hermeneutic perspective on the contribution of design practice to innovation
(2013-07-08)In recent years interest has grown in how design can contribute to innovation in business and society, such as through the management concept of design thinking. However, up-close studies on design’s contribution to ... -
(re)Forming Accounts of Ethics in Design: Anecdote as a Way to Express the Experience of Designing Together
(2016-09-20)Designers and design researchers routinely engage other people in shaping preferred futures. Despite a growing recognition of designing as a social practice, however, the ethics of engagement often only appear ‘between the ... -
Treåringar, kameror och förskola – en serie diffraktiva rörelser
(2017-09-12)The aim of this thesis is to examine what happens when three-year-olds are given access to digital cameras, and what shape and form children’s photographic capacity takes within the framework of everyday pre-school activities. ... -
Vems hand är det som gör? En systertext om konst/hantverk, klass, feminism och om viljan att ta strid
(2019-01-25)Whose hand is making? And how can we understand craft practices in dialogue with society through making and objects? How do we understand objects that manifest resistance? This dissertation in artistic research explores ... -
World Wide Workshop: The Craft of Noticing
(2019-10-15)In my research, I consider craft as a discipline that is extremely elastic in terms of propositions and positions. Today craft exists in a highly dynamic space — what I will refer to as the World Wide Workshop — and is ...