Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Autism spectrum disorders - first indicators and school age outcome
Background: Studies of early indicators, diagnostic stability and outcome at mid-school age in
children referred early in life for a suspected autism spectrum disorder (asd) have been few.
Aims: To examine early indicators ...
Comorbidity across childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorders
Background: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are clinically found to be comorbid with each other and with other psychiatric conditions to a greater extent than what is ...
Boys with Asperger Syndrome grown up. A longitudinal follow-up study of 100 cases more than 5 years after original diagnosis
Introduction and aims: In 1981, the diagnostic label of Asperger Syndrome (AS), was coined after the Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger, by the English psychiatrist Lorna Wing, who reintroduced his 1944 work about “die ...
Outcome after modern neurosurgical care and formalised rehabilitation following severe brain injury
The overall aims were to evaluate the results of the treatment concepts for severe brain injury including decompressive craniectomy (DC), early rehabilitation and long-term follow-up, primarily according to the ...
Studies of biochemical brain damage markers in patients at a neurointensive care unit
Physical examination is the basic and most important tool in medical practice. However, at a neurointensive care unit, neurological status can sometimes be difficult to evaluate due to sedation or impaired consciousness. ...
Stroke rehabilitation: A randomized controlled study in the home setting; Functioning and costs.
Aim: The purpose of the thesis was to describe and evaluate different aspects of rehabilitation after discharge for persons of working age after stroke. Aims were to compare an approach of support, information and training ...
Children with autism grow up. Use of the DISCO (Diagnostic Interview for Social and COmmunicative disorders) in population-based cohorts
Objectives: Examine the prevalence and outcome of autism in child and adult population cohorts using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and COmmunication disorders (DISCO). Method: The Faroe Islands school population aged ...
The Modified Version of the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients. Measurement properties and a longitudinal follow-up.
The Modified Version of the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients
Measurement properties and a longitudinal follow-up
Carina U Persson
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Institute of Neuroscience ...
Predictors of Outcome after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is one of the most common injuries to the knee joint. It is also one of the most researched areas within sports medicine, orthopedics and physical therapy. The goal of this thesis ...
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis - Complications and Outcomes
Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a relatively rare cause of stroke, which predominantly affects working-aged adults and particularly women. The clinical course is highly miscellaneous. Data from large cohorts are scarce ...