Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 116
“A ROOM FOR OUR OWN”. Queer memories and feelings in the archival practices of Queerrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (Archive and Library of the Queer Movement) in Gothenburg/Sweden
(2019-07-08)This thesis departs from the case study of the Queerrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek (QRAB) [In English: Archive and Library of the Queer Movement], located in Gothenburg/Sweden, to discuss how queer memories and feelings are ... -
An Ace Theory of Relationships: Asexuality and Narratives of Relationship Norms
(2022-10-17)Asexuality studies is an emergent transdisciplinary field with many gaps to fill. This thesis aims to address asexual individuals’ own stories and perspectives on relationships and the norms that surround them. Utilizing ... -
Algorithmic Injustice: Predictive Policing and Profiling in the Netherlands – the Top600 and Top400 approaches
(2024-06-19)This thesis is located within the emerging intersections between feminist critique and algorithmic injustice, with a specific focus on predictive policing. By employing feminist theoretical perspectives on governmentality, ... -
ALGORITMISK INTERVENTION Om kulturarbetares arbete med Instagram
(2019-10-10)The topic of this study is the introduction of social networking sites as an arena for personal advertising in the culture industries. Through a case study on cultural workers’ digital labour on Instagram, the study examines ... -
ALLYSHIP AMONG COMMUNITIES Narratives from the Queer Community and the Roller Derby Community
(2018-06-20)This thesis investigated narratives of allyship within and between the queer community and the roller derby community. The thesis is an ethnographic interview study and through six interviews with people of the communities ... -
Atmosfärsskapande bildstrategier i Zaras e-handel
(2022-03-16)Fokus för denna uppsats är att studera hur Zara arbetar i sin svenska e-handel för att skapa atmosfär och upplevelse av materialitet genom bild för att väcka emotionellt engagemang. Mitt metodiska ramverk består av två ... -
Att leva på musiken
(2017-06-27)This master thesis is a study of actors bound to independent record labels in Gothenburg during the early 2000s. The aim is to study how these actors use the social room to organize, and how these individuals relate to ... -
ATT MÅLA TILL VARJE PRIS - Annemirl Bauers konstnärskap i 1980-talets DDR
(2015-11-12)This thesis explores the life and work of a female artist in the GDR in the 1980s. Annemirl Bauer was born 1939 and got her Art education in the GDR. The special circumstances for artists in the socialist republic are ... -
Att närma film Heideggers senare tänkande och poetisk film
(2020-11-11)The aim of this master’s thesis is to mediate a thinking between film and Martin Heidegger’s later (post-)philosophical writings. This period, although not easily pinpointed in term of an inception date, has been characterized ... -
ATT VARA VERKLIGHETENS TOLK - Estetik, politik och gestaltningen i dokumentär scenkonst
(2021-11-17)The 2013 Culture Programme for Gothenburg City together with Sweden’s national cultural policy objectives shows grand expectations on art and culture to contribute to growth, social progress, and democracy. Simultaneously, ... -
Att värna demokratin. Kommunala tjänstepersoners konstruktioner av demokrati, rättigheter och medborgarskap i det kommunala arbetet med återvändare och islamistisk våldsbejakande extremism
(2019-03-21)This thesis investigates how the problem with so called returnees (återvändare) and violent extremism (våldsbejakande extremism) is constructed in the municipal work with and against the same in Sweden, using Carol Bacchi’s ... -
Ärkeängeln Mikael: En historiografisk undersökning av svensk medeltida träskulptur
(2018-11-12)This essay is an investigation of medieval woodsculptures picturing S.t Michael from 1200-1275, today preserved in Swedish churches and museums. No uniform research have been made of solely the archangel Michael as a ... -
BASED, REDPILLED, AND FPBP. Examining identification through discursive/affective practices on 4chan/pol/
(2022-02-08)In a political landscape increasingly more influenced by far-right populism, the potential for political projects aiming to expand democracy is challenged. With the internet becoming an important arena for political ... -
Berättelser från en vandringsled - Om upplevelser av kulturarvet Camino Français
(2014-06-16)In my master thesis Stories from a Walking Trail, about the Experiences of the Cultural Heritage Camino Français I describe and analyze oral and written stories about the pilgrimage along Camino Français. I ask what can ... -
Bodies out/in Place? Unmapping Trans People’s Experience in Outdoor Activities
(2019-08-26)Scrutiny over trans people's bodies in urban contexts is continuous. This thesis develops the idea that the outdoors offers a less-gendered space for trans people, enabling and empowering them to escape self-surveillance ... -
BODY NORMATIVITY AND THE HYPER(IN)VISIBILITY OF ABJECT BODIES Living with Oppression in the Body Liberation Movement
(2023-04-06)In feminist studies that attempt to theorize embodiment, fat bodies have largely been ignored and excluded from research even though scientific knowledge on weight-based stigma and discrimination shows the importance of ... -
Childfree People’s Experiences of Menstrual Health in Healthcare
(2023-06-27)This master's thesis investigates childfree people's experiences of menstrual health in Swedish healthcare. My research questions are 1). How do childfree patients experience their visits regarding menstrual health at ... -
Collective Subjectivity in Feminist Activism Against Femicide in Turkey. Collective Subjectivity as an Intersectional Strategy in the Struggle Against Femicide in Turkey
(2019-07-01)In Turkey, the data and legal regulations regarding femicide are inadequate. This research suggests that struggle against femicide which adopts an intersectional approach mobilizes women of different identities and ... -
Constructing Rural Identities – A Diverse Narrative
(2016-07-05)So far, rural people and communities have not received much consideration within the field of gender studies while urban individuals and their lifestyles have been normalised. I argue that the rural space inhabits a huge ...