Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för historiska studier by Title
Now showing items 6-25 of 67
Bebyggelse och samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta Skandinavien under senneolitikum och bronsålder 2300-500 f. Kr.
(2009-04-14)The main focus of this thesis is a comparative study of the structure and organisation of Late Neolithic and Bronze Age (2300-500 BC) settlements across the southern and middle part of Scandinavia. Variation in size and ... -
Becoming vitrified
(2014-09-02)This thesis is designed to make a study with special emphasis in high temperature production. Two case studies are included that are geographically separated but united by the occurrence of vitrification; a material which ... -
Bergsmän och tackjärnspatroner. Perspektiv på industrialiseringsprocessen 1810 – 1900
(2010-11-03)This thesis studies the preconditions for the industrialization of the Swedish iron industry in Lekebergslagen in the county of Närke. It focuses on the Bergsman and the ironworks, and on the division of production between ... -
Bourdieu och Arkeologi – Struktur och praxis bland gropkeramiker på Västerbjers, Gotland
(2015-04-22)With the point of departure in three main objectives the purpose of the thesis is to examine the potential of the reasoning and concepts of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) in an analysis of an archaeological ... -
Churches, Chapels, and Maya Dwellings of Colonial Yucatán and Belize. A Postcolonial Approach
(2016-03-02)This thesis was conceived as an attempt to use the terms hybridity and third space in historical archaeology with a comparative analysis of early colonial churches and Maya dwellings on the Yucatán Peninsula and Belize. ... -
Creating Holy People and Places on the Periphery. A Study of the Emergence of Cults of Native Saints in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Lund and Uppsala from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries
(2015-01-20)Holy people have been venerated in various forms by all religions and ideologies throughout history. Christianity is no exception with the development of the cults of saints beginning shortly after its formation. By the ... -
Displaying Loot. The Benin objects and the British Museum
(2016-08-26)This study deals with the objects, now in the British Museum, that were looted from Benin City, present-day Nigeria, in 1897. It looks at how the museum represents the Benin objects, the Edo/African, the British/Westerner, ... -
Emotions carved in stone? The social handling of death as expressed on Hellenistic grave stelai from Smyrna and Kyzikos
(2014-02-03)This study deals with expressions of emotions in Hellenistic funerary art. The material for this study consists of 245 grave reliefs from the Greek cities of Smyrna and Kyzikos in Western Asia Minor; mostly dated to the ... -
Encountering Environments. Natural conditions for subsistence and trade at Monte Polizzo, Sicily, 650-550 BC.
(2021-08-30)The overall aim of this thesis is to deepen our knowledge about indigenous western Sicilians commonly called the Elymians and, ultimately, to recognise them as independent actors in Sicilian history. A vital part of this ... -
Freden, friköpen och järnplogarna. Drivkrafter och förändringsprocesser under den agrara revolutionen i Halland 1700 - 1900
(2010-01-11)The thesis studies the agricultural revolution in the province Halland in southwestern Sweden. New tools, land reclamation, new cultivation systems, better livestock, enclosures and free holding during the period 1700-1900 ... -
From Curiosa to World Culture. The History of the Latin American Collections at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden
(2011-08-17)This thesis discusses the history of the Latin American collections stored today at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden, emphasizing the relationship between the political ideological context of society and the signifi ... -
Gaming in Mohenjo-daro – an Archaeology of Unities
(2011-01-12)The main question of this thesis concerns the possibility of illuminating the presence and impact of the irrational element that is play in an ancient societal structure. With this question as a lodestar, the investigation ... -
Global and local in late bronze age central Macedonia. Economy, mobility and identity
(2013-10-04)What impact did expanding Bronze Age networks have on regions located between the great centers in the period 1700-1100 BC? Where the Aegean meets the Balkans, Central Macedonia lies between well-known cultures connected by ... -
Gloria muliebris: Elite female status competition in Mid-Republican Rome
(2019-06-03)Elite status competition permeated mid-Republican Rome (264–133 BCE). Struggles for superiority in status among the senatorial elite catalysed social growth and conflict in the res publica: competition and the desire for ... -
Havrefolket. Studier i befolknings- och marknadsutveckling på Dalboslätten 1770–1930
(2013-10-02)The Oats People – Studies in Population and Market Development in the Dalbo plain, 1770–1930 ISBN 978-91-628-8781-0 Author: Erik Hallberg Dissertation at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, 2013 ... -
Härskare i liv och död. Social exklusivitet och maktstrategi i Vänerbygd under yngre järnålder
(2019-05-03)Between 2000 and 2012, archaeological investigations were conducted in Sunnerby at Kållandsö. A large mound from the Vendel period, an elite settlement from the late Iron Age/Medieval Times, as well as the remains of a ... -
Den hemliga sjön – en resa till det småländska inlandet för 9 000 år sedan
(2012-05-11)The thesis is based on the excavation of a Stone Age site approximately 9,300 years old located in the south Swedish inland. Although the site delivered very few finds it was a site of considerable potential merit. The ... -
I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387
(2011-04-19)Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011 Title I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387 English title In royal absence. The making of an Icelandic aristocracy, ... -
In search of Dionysos. Reassessing a Dionysian context in early Rome
(2010-05-18)In the present study the possibility of an early appearance of the god Dionysos and his sphere in archaic Rome, in the decades around 500 BC, will be examined. In early scholarship, rooted in the 19th century, the phenomenon ...