Now showing items 1-10 of 10
EN AVSLÖJANDE BILD? En experimentell studie om huvudvida inställning gentemot ett turkiskt medlemskap i EU påverkas av en för landet icke-represemtativ bild.
Turkiets skrev på ett associationsavtal med EEG år 1959, ansökan om medlemskap lämnades in 1987 och förhandlingar om medlemskap påbörjades 2005. EU har ibland beskrivits som en kristen, vit klubb och tidigare forskning ...
Pretty and colourful Why should there be women on European company boards?
This Bachelors’ thesis compares theoretical arguments for women on boards and in management with practitioners’ argumentations for women on boards. By analyzing 32 responses to the EU Commission public consultation for ...
Hur förhåller sig EU till en (o)hållbar utveckling? En studie av EU:s klimatpolitiska samhällsstyrning inom jordbruks- och klimatpolitiken
This bachelor thesis, written as a part of the European Studies at Gothenburg University, is concerned with the European Unions’ (EU) climate political governance in their both climate- and agricultural policy, and in ...
Sustainable development and free trade
This thesis’ purpose is to illustrate the potential conflict between free trade and sustainable
development. The thesis will introduce a three-dimensional theorization, which will be applied to
an analysis of two court ...
Sociala dialogens jämställdhetspolitiska dilemma - En intervjustudie om de svenska centralorganisationernas förhållningssätt till ett av Europeisk Unionens främsta socialpolitiska problem
The European Union has continuously emphasized the importance of social politics, and the harmonization of gender equality policies amongst its member states. Since most of the union’s social- and gender equality policies ...
Utrikespolitisk modellflygning: En teoriprövande studie om hur utrikespolitiska förändringar kan förklaras
Based on the model The Causal Dynamics of Foreign Policy Change, put forward by Jakob Gustavsson (1998), the aim of this study is to find out whether the same factors that explain the Swedish reorientation concerning its ...
Climate Change Scepticism - A qualitative study of Clexit and their arguments against the Paris Agreement and the European Union
Climate change scepticism is a concept that refers to people or groups that mistrust, reject or question the mainstream view of the climate change threat. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to illuminate climate change ...
Identifikation med Europa som svensk och religiös
This thesis aims to analyze how religious Swedish citizens relate to Europe and European identity, and how religious affiliation and thoughts about Europe interact in the formulation of their identity. This bachelor´s ...
I VÄNTAN PÅ POLITISERINGEN Förändrade konfliktlinjer i EU-frågor i 14 EU-länder 1999-2014
Several scholars argue that Europeanization, by forcing national political parties to adapt to a
changed political environment in the era of European integration, leads to depoliticization,
and party system cartelization, ...
THE "STATE"- The concept of statehood and the European Union
This study uses a qualitative approach to examine the criterions and specific characteristics of the abstraction which is referred to as the state. The ambition is to explain and identify the characteristics that needs to ...