Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för socialt arbete: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 62
If they only knew. Bullying victimization among children and youth in the Nordic countries
(2017-05-05)Bullying is a social and public health problem recognized across the globe. The aim with this thesis is to describe and understand bullying victimization of children and youth in a social-ecological perspective with the ... -
Parents, Power, Poverty. On choice and responsibility on two parental communities
(2016-10-20)This dissertation explores discourses about parenthood and subject ideals as they manifest in two Swedish parental web communities. The aim is to examine the perceived division of responsibility between the parents themselves ... -
Så nära får ingen gå? En studie om sexualitet, funktionshinder och personlig assistans
(2016-06-23)The general aim of the thesis is to explore how sexuality is understood, described, responded to and organized in Swedish personal assistance services (PAS); that is services to people with impaired mobility. Previous ... -
Children at risk? Hospital social workers’ and their colleagues’ assessment and reporting experiences
(2016-05-09)This thesis explores factors that influence professional discretion in Swedish hospital professionals’ assessment of children who may be at risk of harm. It is based on two data samplings, interviews with fourteen hospital ... -
Graffitins spänningsfält. En studie av graffitikultur och interventioner på en lokal arena
(2016-03-22)The overall aim of the thesis is to explore and analyse graffiti in a trans-local context, by asking questions about the actors' view on activity, meaning and interaction. The study has been located to a physical place, ... -
‘We are the real men’: Masculinity, poverty, health, and community development in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya
(2015-11-13)This thesis, comprising a five-chapter comprehensive summary (kappa) and four published papers, presents findings of a study that addressed Nairobi’s poor men’s (a) constructions and performance of masculinity (b); views ... -
Barnevernets stemmer. En diskurs og profesjonsteoretisk orientert analyse av fenomenet barnevernfaglig kompetanse
(2015-11-09)The superior aim of the thesis is to study which professional arguments various participants in the child welfare area have employed in order to explain, influence and legitimize their understanding of the phenomenon ... -
Understödets rationalitet. En genealogisk studie av arbetslinjen under kapitalismen
(2015-04-30)Through a genealogical examination of how public poor relief was problematized in Sweden 1847–1875, this thesis aims to outline the assumptions and premises that underlies the contemporary predominant neoliberal argument ... -
Changing Gender Relations? Women's Experiences of Land Rights in the Case of the Land Tenure Reform Program in Rwanda.
(2015-03-04)This thesis is a compilation of a kappa, a binding text of six chapters, and four related papers. The overall aim is to explore women’s experiences of land rights in the context of the Land Tenure Reform Program (LTRP) in ... -
Berättelser om ungdomsgäng i förorten. Genus, makt och moral
(2014-11-06)Abstract Title: Narratives about youth gangs in the disadvantaged suburban neighbourhood. Gender, power, morality Author: Susanne Liljeholm Hansson Key words: Youth gangs, criminality, disadvantaged neighbourhood, ... -
Vänskap, värden, vandel: Avvikelser och återhämtningsstrategier hos Göteborgs första generation ungdomsnarkomaner
(2014-02-20)The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how and why a sample of young people who were criminals and drug addicts in the 1960s – Gothenburg’s first generation of young drug junkies – could get up on their feet and ... -
To Blend in or Stand out? - Hospital Social Workers' Jurisdictional Work in Sweden and Germany
(2013-11-08)This dissertation describes, analyses, and compares the means by which hospital social work associations in Sweden and Germany pursue their members’ professionalization through ‘jurisdictional work’. The time period covered ... -
Kontroll av beroende. Substitutionsbehandlingens logik, praktik och semantik
(2013-02-13)Abstract Title: Controlling addiction. The logic, practice and semantics of methadone maintenance treatment Author: Frida Petersson Keywords: drug addiction, client construction, methadone treatment, accounts, ... -
Dunkla vanor. Om teori och referenspraktik i samhällsvetenskaplig forskning
(2012-11-16)The purpose of this thesis is to study how social scientists use theoretical citations in scientific publications in research about organizations and the social services sector. This thesis can be characterized as being ... -
Klagomålshantering och lex Sarah-rapportering i äldreomsorgen. En institutionell etnografisk studie.
(2012-11-02)The aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of how complaints and mandatory reports of mistreatments function in the care of old people. The objective is to make an analysis grounded in the experiences of the ... -
Småbarnsföräldrars vardagsliv. Omsorg, moral och socialt kapital.
(2012-09-28)This thesis is a study about the everyday lives of Swedish parents of small children. The empirical data comprises individual interviews, couple interviews and focus groups with 30 parents, as well as focus group interviews ... -
Samarbete med förhinder - om samarbete mellan BUP, socialtjänst, skola och familj
(2012-08-16)This thesis concerns the collaboration between child and youth psychiatry, the individual and family unit of social services, schools and families. Collaboration around children with both complex social and psychiatric ... -
About Child Poverty – A Bangladesh's Perspective
(2012-05-11)Taking child poverty into account as an enormous concern on the pathway to human development, the present dissertation aims to examine child poverty’s extent and characteristics, poor children’s views on this issue and ... -
Om patriarkat, motstånd och uppbrott – tjejers rörelse i sociala rum
(2012-05-11)This dissertation focuses on some young girls and their family relations. My aim has been to investigate how some of those girls with foreign background who in media, government documents and project descriptions have come ... -
Uppdrag med förhinder. Bemötande av familjer med migrationsbakgrund inom den sociala barnavården.
(2012-03-30)Abstract Title: Mission with obstacles. Treatment of families with migration background within the child protection organisation Author: Ing-Marie Johansson Key words: Child protection, etnicity, ethnic minority ...