Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 899
“Barriers that can Drive Someone Crazy” Self-Disclosure and Highly Skilled Transnational Migrants’ Abilities to Cope with Social Difficulties
(2024-10-01)With the high demand for highly skilled transnational migrants and yet little known about how they navigate social challenges, the need to examine their lived difficult social experiences and how they manage their social ... -
Clear skies, Clouded Communication. A content analyses on the effects of communication breakdowns in aviation disasters.
(2024-10-01)This thesis investigates the pivotal role of communication dynamics in the management of crises, with a particular focus on how failures in communication can lead to catastrophic outcomes. Using aviation disasters as a ... -
Social Media Marketing: Engaging Fitness Consumers on Instagram
(2024-09-27)This study explores the relationship between Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs) and consumer engagement on Instagram, with a focus on fitness brands. Given the increasing role of social media in brand-consumer ... -
“ABSOLUT, JAG KAN DEFINITIVT HJÄLPA TILL MED DET!”. En experimentell studie om ChatGPT:s inverkan på akademisk skrivprocess och akademisk integritet
(2024-09-20)Studien undersöker användningen av ChatGPT, en generativ AI, inom akademiskt skrivande och dess påverkan på skrivprocesser och akademisk integritet. Syftet är att analysera hur studenter interagerar med ChatGPT i sina ... -
(2024-09-20)Onlinebaserad distansundervisning ökar inom högre utbildning som en konsekvens av COVID19-pandemin och samhällets digitalisering. Det visar på problematik som, exempelvis, brist på kompetens hos undervisande personal som ... -
To Humanize or Not to Humanize: Users’ Perception on Interactions with a Mental Health Conversational Agent
(2024-09-20)Given the rapid development of technology accurately simulating human behavior, the need to understand its implications particularly in mental health human-computer interactions becomes acute. Thus, this paper addresses ... -
“Protesting for climate change is more constructive than your quick useless comment” – A corpus-based analysis of incivility, impoliteness, and response-time in online newsreader comments on The Guardian climate change articles
(2024-09-20)Online newsreader comments (ONRC) constitute a vital form of user engagement and participatory communication in the virtual public sphere, enabling users to engage in discussions about important contemporary societal issues. ... -
“It shouldn’t be a knot in the stomach for anyone to come there”. A Case Study of Migrant Clients' Interactions with Social Services in Borås
(2024-09-20)According to The Swedish Psychological Defense Agency (MPF), there are challenges of mistrust among Swedish citizens arising from the disinformation campaign affecting the image of the Care of Young Persons (Special ... -
How to live rent free in the minds of Generation Z: A qualitative study about Generation Zers’ perception and evaluation of employer branding
(2024-09-20)The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of Generation Z’s (Gen Z) perception and evaluation of what makes a company attractive as a future employer. According to previous research, Gen Z puts a higher ... -
FOSTERING AI INNOVATION IN SWEDISH HEALTHCARE: Essential Factors for an Enabling Policy Environment
(2024-09-20)Amidst the rapid technological advancements in AI, a growing number of proponents emphasize its significant potential in revolutionizing healthcare. However, the highly regulated nature of the healthcare sector poses ... -
STUDENTERS SYN PÅ LÄRARES DIGITALA RELATIONSKOMPETENS I DISTANSUTBILDNING: En intervjustudie om utbildningsrelationer lärare-student i internetbaserade högskolekurser
(2024-09-17)Utbudet av distansutbildning i högre utbildning ökar. Det medför nya kompetenskrav på lärare som ställs inför att undervisa heterogena studentgrupper i digitala lärmiljöer. Studien undersöker hur distansstudenter uppfattar ... -
Gendered Challenges in the FemTech Landscape: An Exploration of Funding Inequities and Communication Strategies in Female Entrepreneurship
(2024-09-12)The present study zooms into the FemTech sector, an emerging field dedicated to addressing women's health issues. The FemTech sphere mirrors the gender-specific funding challenges observed in the broader tech landscape, ... -
(2024-08-15)This research review explores the utilization of digital technologies in enhancing mathematics education for the development of talent and higher-order abilities among lower secondary school students in Sweden. Despite the ... -
(2024-05-02)Skill shortages are a major challenge in Swedish society. Higher Education (HE) is crucial in developing multi-access blended learning designs to support lifelong learning and re-education, particularly in underserved ... -
LEARNING AND COLLABORATION VIA DIGITAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN ECOVILLAGES A Study on Learning in Ecovillage Communities of Practice and Affordances of Virtual Immersive Learning Environments
(2024-03-19)Ecovillages are intentional residential communities aimed at improving human quality of life while protecting and regenerating the surrounding nature in order to create a more sustainable lifestyle based on cooperative ... -
Linking for Peace. An affordance perspective of LinkedIn as an instrument for peace professionals to advance constructive conflict resolution and transformative efforts
(2023-11-22)Has LinkedIn become the platform for a global community of practice for peace professionals? Does it have the potential to be? An inductive approach to Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) following Braun and Clarke’s six-phase ... -
Creating the world's most sustainable and attractive travel destination. A content analysis of sustainable place brand identities in Southern Sweden
(2023-11-22)This study examines how the place brand identities of seven Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in southern Sweden guide their sustainable tourism communication. With the importance of sustainability becoming clear, ... -
Topics and Attitudes in COVID-19 Online News Comments about Italy and Sweden. Appraisal Framework applied to Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis
(2023-11-22)This study conducts a mixed-methods, comparative study of online news comments. The subject of the articles were the two countries of Sweden and Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Articles about Italy and Sweden during ... -
Communication Professionals as the Office Factotum: A Study of Emotional Labour and Well-Being in the Communication Profession
(2023-11-22)This thesis investigated the concept of emotional labour for communication professionals in an internal communication context. Recently, the well-being of communication professionals has caught public attention in Sweden ... -
Communications Effect on Trust in The Hybrid Workplace. An explorative case study of an outsourcing company providing financial services
(2023-11-22)The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way people work, with many organizations shifting to remote work as the result. As we move towards a post-pandemic world, the hybrid working method that combines remote and in-office ...