NÖDVÄNDIGT, OMÖJLIGT OCH MENINGSFULLT. Om att arbeta med kulturtidskrifter
This master thesis deals with the working conditions and work motivators for editors of cultural journals in Sweden. Through the qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with editors of cultural journals this thesis will explore how the job is experienced through the conditions of running a cultural company. The demanding task of providing economic stability can make the pay low and the workload heavy. In connection to this, the thesis will explore why the editors still find it rewarding and what motivates them to work with culturaljournals. The motivations are partly related to self-realisation, such as being creative, working with one’s passion and having autonomy. At the same time, many editors also consider contributing to cultural life and society as a motivator. These motivations will be discussed in relation to the context cultural journals exists in, using theories by Gramsci, Laclau and Mouffe. This will also be seen in opposition, or resistance to, the rational, utility maximising homo economicus. Through using Bourdieu’s framework, the field specifics of being an actor in the cultural field will be discussed. His framework will also be used to examine how the workers are experiencing having limited economic capital but at the same time are having cultural capital. The differences between cultural and profit seeking companies will be further discussed, in relation to marketing, value creation and how employment relationships work.
Regarding the economic conditions, it differs because it is partly governed by state funding. This makes the cultural journals vulnerable to political shifts. Because of this, cultural policy and politics will be discussed in relationship to cultural journals.
Student essay
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Britschgi, Julia
Kulturtidskrift, kulturarbete, kulturföretag, kulturpolitik, arbetsmotivation