The School of Design and Crafts / Högskolan för design och konsthantverk (HDK) (-jun 2012)
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Night Light 3 – kokong, livet, hemligheter
(2014-11-25)Jag har skapat ett material i vävstolen och format det till en stor kokong. För att föra min arbetsprocess ännu ett steg har jag använt och experimenterat med färg som aktiveras i ljus och lyser i mörkret, After glow ... -
Chlorella oxygen pavilion concept and the symbiosis in design
(2013-02-20)Symbiosis is an interdependent lifestyle of two or more species. Both of the species enjoys the advantages of this co-op living. Could we use this efficient movement of the biology in a bigger scale from the perspective ... -
(2013-02-20)Fleetwood is a classical designed sofa. In addition to the smooth rounded wooden sections, the seat is designed with the objective to use a maximum of space and volume it’s occupying. Metal and wood, angles and curves, ... -
Crescent evolve - Electric bike for youth
(2013-02-20)The purpose of the project was to design an electric bicycle to offer the target group youth an attractive alternative to mopeds. The basis for the project was user studies in which young people were interviewed and observed ... -
To reject the world - to embrace the world
(2013-02-20)Ever since Thomas More’s book Utopia was published in 1516, the utopian idea has not lost its topicality and has been strongly rooted in literature, art, film and architecture. Utopia can be seen as a state in which ... -
Reading echoes - narration and illustration
(2013-02-20)The main theme of my thesis work has been the role of illustration. I wanted to challenge both its traditional role in relation to text and in terms of expression, through using an abstract expression rather than a figurative ... -
Skörda - a concept for indoor growing
(2013-02-20)In my project I have been focusing on facilitating and shorten the step for people who don’t have the knowledge, or have a small interest in cultivation, to dare to take the step to start growing vegetables. With the concept ... -
Patient S. A body sterilizing device
(2013-02-20)Hospital acquired infections and the complications associated with this are an increasing problem worldwide. New techniques and tools are needed to reduce the risk to acquire infection during hospitalisation. The present ... -
Stolt som en tupp & rädd som en hare eller Snabb som en vessla & långsam som en snigel. En samling illustrationer baserade på liknelser med djuranknytning
(2013-02-20)Why is the hare afraid? And what is the proud peacock so proud of? What does the sly fox do in the daytime and is the fast weasel faster than his friends? Who is that strong bear? !ese are the type of questions that ... -
The place is the space is the time - En sittmöbel utifrån ett rumsligt perspektiv
(2013-02-20)Jag har i mitt projekt utformat en möbel utifrån ett befintligt rum, en offentlig miljö. Tanken var att kombinera studier av rum och rumslighet med möbelformgivning. Jag ville tillverka en möbel genom att undersöka rum ... -
Through the looking glass. A design vision for publications in an era of massive fragmentation
(2013-02-20)In the publishing industry where 0s and 1s have replaced an archaic material called paper as the primary form of distribution, the struggle to bring content from analog to digital has been frought with questions about ... -
Reading space. Möbel för läsning till Göteborgs nya stadsbibliotek
(2013-02-20)Reading space Furniture for reading for the new city library of Göteborg The main purpose of my project has been to inspire people to read books at the library. I wanted to create something very site specific and chose ... -
(2013-02-20)Projektet Curiosity > Harvest handlar om självhushållning som en del i det moderna livet i staden, och mer specifikt biodling i den urbana miljön. Dels ur perspektivet att knyta samman stadsmänniskan med matproduktionen ... -
Silent machine. The resonance from the past
(2013-02-20)What makes an object beautiful? Can the feelings inspired by such an object be analytically defined? If so, what kind of process is needed to do so? How can the subjective interpretation of “beauty” by a designer be ... -
Re: Yarning
(2013-02-20)From a social perspective, I have been working on how to change current consumption patterns through a change in people's behavior and attitude towards their possessions. The concept is based on how we can value, care for, ... -
Water distribution at marketplaces within urban environments in Kenya
(2013-02-20)In Kisumu, Kenya, there it is not a lack of water. There is not even a lack of safe drinking water. There is, however, a lack of affordable safe drinking water. The only safe drinking water available in Kisumu is ... -
Concrete - en mönsterkollektion för modetextilier
(2013-02-20)Mitt examensarbete består av en mönsterkollektion för modetextilier. Kollektionen består av sex mönster där jag har använt digitaltryck och laserskärning på olika typer av siden. Jag har hämtat inspiration till kollektionen ... -
Peaktime - a digital communication concept
(2013-02-20)Since the opportunities to connect with each other independently from time and space are increasing we are running the risk of losing control over our own time and get permanently stressed. Peaktime is an application ...