SYDSVENSKT KORSVIRKE I. Bibliografi och forskningsöversikt med nordiska utblickar
Half-timber in Southern Sweden I. Bibliography and research overview with a Scandinavian outlook.
This study is a bibliography and research overview about half-timbered building traditions in the towns and rural areas of Southern Sweden, primally the counties Scania (Skåne), Halland and Blekinge (until 1658 a part of Denmark) but also in other parts of Southern Sweden. The study is the first report from a research project in progress and identifies 504 books and articles about, or partly about, the subject, most of them written in Swedish. For comparison, some relevant texts in English, German, Norwegian and Danish are also included.
The study has three main chapters after a short introduction. First comes a partly commented alphabetical bibliography, then follows a bibliography in which the same texts are organized geographically under countries, counties, towns and, for texts concerning Scania, the jurisdictional districts called ”härad”. The last chapter is a chronological research overview on half-timber i southern Sweden, which also gives the main content to the English summary.
The major result of the study is that a lot has been written on the subject half-timber i Southern Sweden since the 1900th century, mainly in art history, ethnology, archaeology as well as in local overviews. Many of the texts, however, are short, published locally and outside the universities. In some of them, the pictures (drawings or photographs) give us the most interesting information. The knowledge is fragmental and there have been few attempts to compare the examples, draw general conclusions and to write a solid overview.
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Ranby, Henrik
Southern Sweden
vernacular architecture
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