Muslimer, skolan och förorten: Muslimska gymnasieelevers orienteringar och strävan efter erkännande
Muslims, Education, and the Multicultural Neighbourhood: Swedish Muslims in Upper-secondary Schools, their Orientations and Struggle for Recognition
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Muslim students in upper-secondary
schools experience their education, and how their experiences influence educational strategies, such as choice of
school. Muslim pupils have come to play a particular role in the Swedish school debate, particularly with
reference to multicultural neighbourhoods. In the politicised discussions about Islamic practices, such as the
prayer and the Islamic dress, practices are often understood as “disturbances” in the school environment, and
religious identification is viewed as a burden rather than an asset. Previous research has also highlighted that
Islamophobia, as well as secular norms, impact students’ educational experiences.
This study has been conducted in an upper-secondary school in Sweden (gymnasium) where a large
proportion of students identify as Muslim. The school is located in a structurally socio-economically
disadvantaged area of Gothenburg, where average grades and qualification rates are lower than the city average.
The area is associated with school failure, social problems, unemployment and crime, which contribute to the
stigmatisation of the area and also “marks” the young people who attend school there. The impact of
stigmatisation and socio-economic inequality on pupils has been well-researched. However, the experiences of
religious minorities and the significance of religious identification in these contexts have been insufficiently
analysed in Swedish research. This study, therefore, aims to contribute in-depth knowledge about how religious
identification interacts with socioeconomic factors and area stigmatisation in relation to Muslim students’
experiences of school. The neighbourhood also holds significance, as young Muslims in Sweden grow up in
multicultural and multi-religious contexts that often differ from the places where they or their parents were born.
The heterogeneity and diversity of the Muslim population mean that religious affiliation takes on new meanings,
requiring young people to navigate and negotiate between different identifications and normative systems. New
and overlapping imagined communities are formed and serve as alternatives to the majoritised culture.
This study employs theoretical concepts such as orientation, recognition, and misrecognition to understand
students’ experiences. School secularities are used as a complementary concept to interpret students’ experiences
across different educational contexts. In the analysis, intersectionality has been used for theoretical sensitivity to
demonstrate that students’ experiences of vulnerability manifest in various ways based on intertwined power
structures where class, gender, racialisation, and religion intersect.
The thesis employs a qualitative and abductive approach, inspired by the ethnographic tradition, with
fieldwork during four semesters, collecting material including 33 semi-structured interviews and 50 days of
The analysis shows that students experience invisibilisation due to their minoritized religious identification,
where their religious needs are not met. Simultaneously, students feel hypervisible in a white and secular school
environment, receiving unwanted attention and being questioned about their religious practices. Furthermore, the
analysis reveals that Muslim students’ experiences of misrecognition and disrespect impact interactions with
teachers, social relationships, and educational strategies. The latter includes applying to schools in multicultural
neighbourhoods where students feel they receive recognition from teachers and peers for their religious
identification and as learners.
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Sociology and Work Science ; Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap
Torsdagen den 19 december, 2024, kl 13.15, i sal Sappören, Sprängkullsgatan 25, Göteborg.
Date of defence
Thorén, Christopher Ali
Erkännande, förort, gymnasium, intersektionalitet, islam, islamofobi, muslimer, orientering, rasism, sekularitet, skola, strukturellt missgynnade områden, utbildning.
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
978-91-87876-70-7 (PRINT) och 978-91-87876-71-4 (PDF)
Series/Report no.
Forskarskolan i utbildningsvetenskap (CUL) Doktorsavhandling 109
Göteborg Studies in Sociologi No. 78